What is Causing Climate Change?

Discussion in 'Climate Change' started by Aneye4theshot, Jan 21, 2016.

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  1. Aneye4theshot

    Aneye4theshot Expert Member

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    Survival in today's world is an ever-changing facet. The way of survival in one place may not be the same ten years from now due to the dramatic effects modernization has had on the planet. Climate change is happening all around the globe. From droughts in places that were normally rich in rain to floods in places that are used to very little or no rain. Places that are frozen are thawing out, and places that were once hot are now becoming cold. This confusing weather and apparent climate change is happening for a multitude of reasons. From the modernization of technology and the advancement of evolution to weaponized weather, there are many culprits behind the dramatic climate change that is happening around the globe. Methane gas and emissions from factories and vehicle have reaped complete havoc on our atmosphere over the past hundred years. Modernize industrialization that has carried us towards evolution has also played a role in the potential destruction of our planet.
    Governments around the world are also to blame for horrible climate conditions. It is no secret that all world governments are practicing an evil and dangerous tactic of weaponized weather. Chemtrails laid out by aircraft are hit with elf waves or extremely low-frequency waves that are generated from bases that are positioned globally around the world. This can super heat the air in seconds causing all sorts of environmental impacts. There are many rumors that Hurricane Katrina was a result of government testing. Which government is a question? Either way, when it comes to survival in our ever changing climate the best advice is to be prepared for anything. Knowing how to survive in both hot and cold climates as well as both wet and dry will help to keep you safe.
    Meerkat likes this.
  2. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    The climate is always changing, do not let a short term temp rise confuse of the real trend!
    This current Holocene has actually finished! and the world as a whole is headed to the deep freeze!

    The MILANKOVICH graph of all the natural cycles combined shows it very clearly, look it up and see where on the graph we are!
    The puny amount of heat and gas's humans produce is like a grain of sand on a beach!
    How long it takes to actually chill is beyond me!
    Make the most of summer as they are numbered!
    Meerkat and hades_leae like this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we as in the human race are causing climate change.
    you only have to look at the smogs in places like china and Malaysia to see examples of this.
    Brownbear likes this.
  4. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    Yes we cause local changes but they are local and temporary

    The basic setup of earth is self cleaning

    I would actually like global warming and an increase in atmospheric carbon!
    but the warmer the atmosphere gets the more evaporation and hence precipitation, add more CO2 and the precipitation washes the excess carbon from the atmosphere, this is plant food by the way!
    Warmer weather = more plant growth = more available food to support more people!
    LESS ICE, MORE WATER VAPOUR = Sea levels go nowhere much!
    This is win, win, win!

    Where as we actually have global cooling and that is the opposite! lose, lose, lose!

    But although the above is correct it is heresy so I should be burnt at the stake!
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    industrialisation is the main cause.
    Brownbear likes this.
  6. neoKit

    neoKit New Member

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    Companies have failed to maintain the required emission levels by installing systems that could cheat - in the vehicles that they make. Lately most countries produce oil which also reflects the levels of emissions that we should expect. Countries should increase funding for green tech projects if we want to curb emissions. We should also learn to use alternative sources of power including wind and solar.
  7. hades_leae

    hades_leae Active Member

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    Have you noticed that we are recording records day after day as far as temperatures? I continue to see on the news, and other sources saying this or that particular day was the hottest in our recording of temperatures history. The planet is getting hotter, and we are experiencing more hotter days that average.

    Temps are rising, and there is nothing we are going to do about it. We are not terraforming our planet to the point where we cannot live on it as of yet, but we are making a noticeable impact.
  8. BRC814

    BRC814 New Member

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    Human expansion and our needs . We need everything at our doorstep with less effort and in order to get the things done we make use of all natural resources.Most climate scientists agree that the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the "greenhouse effect" .Carbon dioxide(CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas that is contributing to recent climate change.Human activities are the major contributors . Burning of fossil fuels , industries and transportation releases large amounts of CO2, causing concentrations in the atmosphere to rise. Not to forget about Deforestation and land use changes.
    Beautiful likes this.
  9. WildSpirit

    WildSpirit Active Member

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    Among many factors (many of them being natural factors that would sooner or later happen at some point), I believe that the main ones are the terrible actions of human beings. Yes, we are the main ones who are responsible for the climate change.

    It's sad to have to think that way :(, but I think it's the most realistic thinking for this situation. We have to realize once and for all that nature is no longer enduring our mistakes. Are we only going to realize the problem when it is irreversible? :oops:
    Beautiful likes this.
  10. Maria_C

    Maria_C New Member

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    Humans and our hypocrisy. I just wonder why those huge economies burning tons of coal on a daily basis won't torn it down. Instead they choose to preach to smaller countries while they continue theirs unabated.
  11. Tom Williams

    Tom Williams Moderator Staff Member

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    Man and all his machines
  12. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

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    I believe that we are experiencing climate change and I am basing my belief on what I feel and see. Plants are confused such that there is a big change in the fruiting season. All these is due to many factors and on top of the list is pollution. Take away pollution and the change in climate becomes minimal. But I also think that nature is a factor which is hard to explain.
  13. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    I have been pondering over this pollution narrative after reading on another thread that my country the U.S. was one of the biggest environment polluters on the planet . Where I live the air seems to be perfectly clear and clean . The streams or so clear it is hard to judge their depths . I have heard some of the big cites sometimes experience air problems down wind of their manufacturing facilities . I can not confirm this because I never go to big cites . One report I heard " and perhaps it is a lie " that the U.S. has one of the best air and water quality on the planet . Obviously someone is being feed lies . We all know that the communist agenda is to control people to usher in one world leader communist control . Just how much are we being lied to ? No doubt pollution has some extent of truth but where does the truth ends and the lies began ? Perhaps I simply live in a environment clean bubble .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. duke in wales

    duke in wales Expert Member

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    Mother earth is constantly changing but...mankind ain't helping by polluting the planet to the extent we are.

    The daughter of a mate of mine came back from China where she'd been working (teacher) for two years and her tales of air pollution out there are horrific. She's off in September to teach in Vietnam on a two year contract hopefully she won't have to wear a mask on her way to work.

    Dogs don't shit in their kennel but mankind is shitting in his.
    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
  15. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning Duke in Wales,

    Climate changing (not discussing degree of change) is also caused by human improvements by humankind (gender-neutral terminology). I've had some real (adjective needed since George Orwell passed away) scientists tell me the US interstate highway system changed rainfall drainage patterns indirectly changing long term weather and climate patterns. Ditto the canals around the US Gulf Coast.

    I spent my last 2 decades before retirement in China. True; air pollution is awful in the big cities but the alternative to coal use is warfare and there goes global stability, at best.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. duke in wales

    duke in wales Expert Member

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    Humankind? Mankind? Man started off as a gender neutral word and I feel no obligation to start farting about with new words to be honest, people know that Mankind is gender inclusive or they should.

    Not sure what you mean by using coal prevents war. I am surprised China has not gone down the nuclear route for power generation.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Wow....are there ever some dumb posts in this thread...

    this is deep stuff......very deep.

    Dogs go to someone else's kennel and take care of business....someone wasted their education here.

    The obvious long term solution ...for those who cannot think past the Kardashians.....is to get rid of People...Mankind.

    This is called Genocide or in some cases...death by ones own government.....or Democide..death by democracy.

    If men are to blame...get rid of men....Yes....perfectly logical ..perfectly reasonable.

    This is what intelligent men do.....in history past....see the French Revolution...the first scientific revolution according to the history books.

    What are some of you thinking..with your blame game.....reasoning.

    Hey..while we are at it...kill all the cows....cow flatulence is deadly...

    Can we add any more to the pile with deep human reasoning.

    Make no mistake...this is in fact the long range human UN type plan...population control. Climate change is what someone has sold gullible people on to justify Genocide/Democide/population control...ie......"Herding."

    Controlling the Herd...ie...culling the Herd.....Climate Change.

    Don't worry...we will feel safe behind our keyboards and remote controllers...never see it coming..

    Ishmaelites run wild.......

    My non Ishmaelte .02,
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  18. duke in wales

    duke in wales Expert Member

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    I don't go for conspiracy theories Chris, the overwhelming majority are a right load of bollocks dreamed up by some foil hat wearing members of society IMHO.

    I thought my off the cuff 'dogs shitting in kennels' was a rather nice little analogy.

    Whats this UN type plan you talked of?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. LastOutlaw

    LastOutlaw Legendary Survivalist

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    What is Causing Climate Change?
    Liberal mindsets and their agenda cause climate change in their effort to make America pay the entire world and support everyone else in their quest to bring it down to third world status as part of the move towards global world dominance via socialism. Why does it seem that those who subside under socialism rule are the ones who buy into the climate change crap? Not capable of critical thinking on their own? Just buy into all the claptrap they are fed daily by their rulers? THERE IS NO MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE! Climates change all the time and have for many many thousands of years. Climate will continue to change for many many more thousands of years. Quit blaming mankind for something that is natural. What makes man think he can change anything in this world? So full of themselves.
    Duke in Wales, if you do not know what the UN agenda for the 21st century is then you aren't as informed as you think you are. Go learn. AGENDA21 PAY YOUR CARBON TAX! Better pay it twice because I'm not going to pay it at all.
    Climate change is a conspiracy theory.
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  20. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Climate Change is real, what we do about it or can do about it is another question.
    i'm talking about climate change, not climate change tax.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  21. LastOutlaw

    LastOutlaw Legendary Survivalist

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    How does anyone know that the climate changing is affected by any of us at all? It is fine to think it is possible but to expect me to make changes in my lifestyle because you think something may be happening but have no proof is ridiculous.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    7 BILLION people on the planet and you don't think all their actions and all their industry isn't having one single effect on the climate? i'm sorry but isn't that just a tiny bit niave? with respect, I would expect that kind of attitude from some third world resident, or someone from North Korea not an intelligent person.
    no offence meant, and you are entitled to your opinion.
    what we can actually do about it is another matter, it may have just gone too far and for too long to do anything about it, we may have to just live with the consequences, which may just in the end turn out to be TEOTWAWKI.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  23. LastOutlaw

    LastOutlaw Legendary Survivalist

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    I will say it again... to think that human life has an effect in the climate is one thing and is ok to think so but to want me to change my lifestyle because of what you may think is absurd. Now you may call me names or make statements about my intelligence or even say I think like a third world resident which I do take offense in no matter how you want to try to cover for your statement or rudeness but to think I need to change my life because of some crap that you believe is a bit pretentious don't you think? You really seem to have a high opinion of yourself and your beliefs to think I need to change my life because of your beliefs. It also is a socialist attitude.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    have a read of what you just read, isn't that like a sheeple saying nothing bad will happen just because you say so.
    just at least think about it, keep an open mind, i'm not saying you should change your lifestyle, that's not much good unless everyone does it.
    anyway like I said before, its probably already too late.
  25. LastOutlaw

    LastOutlaw Legendary Survivalist

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    I never said it isn't happening I said I don't believe it. Yes the globalists are trying to force me to make changes to my lifestyle. What do you think the carbon tax scheme is? Change your lifestyle because we say so or pay more money that I do not have as punishment.

    We all have the right to believe whatever we want. Just as you believe that city folks are too stupid to think if SHTF that they can find food in the country because they don't know where their food comes from and you will be safe there from them. Personally I think that is pretty naive too but that is just my line of thinking. There are all kinds of sheeple.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

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    As I mentioned (rather snippily) in another thread, you can either believe that we're in (or in for) major changes to the Earth's climate, or not. If you don't think it's for real, or if you don't think we can do anything about it, that's one less thing for you to worry about.

    If you do think it's real AND there's something you can do about it then you take whatever action you think is appropriate. I do think it's real and it's happening right now, and I don't think the governments are going to do jack-sh¡t about it, so Dawn and I did the only thing we think makes sense: we moved from an overpopulated, hot, drought-ridden state (Arizona) to a location with cooler climate, a long-term forecast for climate stability, good water table, agricultural land and fewer people (rural Idaho).

    It's all about prepping, I guess.
  27. duke in wales

    duke in wales Expert Member

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    So its the socialists fault then :confused: Of course it is, stupid of me to have missed that one :rolleyes:

    " THERE IS NO MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE! " but we ain't helping things along are we. Well over 40% of Americans live with unhealthy levels of particulate air pollution around them which increases incidences of all sorts of ailments from asthma to cancer. So thats certainly a man made change in climate.

    Its no use sticking your head up your ass believing that everything will be OK once you kill off all the liberals (or stick them in internment camps along with the migrants) and pray to the Lord, I'd guess that the omnipotent one has washed his or her hands of us lot on this little lump of rock. 'We' need to be more accountable and honest for the damage we are continuing to inflict on this planet...its just common sense.

    Have a nice day comrades o_O
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. LastOutlaw

    LastOutlaw Legendary Survivalist

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    Where do you get those numbers from? The air is really clean where I live. I love the way foreigners have all the info on Americans. Comrade.
    I think I'll go burn the trash now. Maybe throw a tire or two on it just for shits and grins. jeez.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. duke in wales

    duke in wales Expert Member

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    Actually the numbers can hit the 60% mark in places, Google is your friend, go and search.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. LastOutlaw

    LastOutlaw Legendary Survivalist

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    Shouldn't believe everything that you read online.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. duke in wales

    duke in wales Expert Member

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    Your in Egypt for a swim.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Wow....what is the climate change un type plan o which I spoke..? Glad you asked...

    let me see ..one official UN Version of it..


    You can see what they claim in the heading ...all the 17 little boxes at the top of the page. Now with the track record of the UN...you can reverse all the claims..about their goals and have the result pretty much correct..not what they say or claim.

    Almost everywhere you see the UN in action ...just reverse the social and political claims..and you have it.

    Here again..version two...more to the point than the 17 claims above...

    Note line number one...very important to understand when you realize the world population is some 9 going on 10 billion today. What are you going to do with the other 8.5 to 9.5 billion??? They are for casting for a world population of only 500 million....

    1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
    2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
    3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
    4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
    5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
    6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
    7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
    8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
    9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
    10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature

    Both of these plans...you can substitute the world .."Herding" in lieu of individual freedom and liberty. If anything people will be forced/herded to give up so many of their freedoms and liberties to join this ersatz herd...

    What you are seeing here is Ishmaelites at work ..herding or putting people into bondage and involuntary servitude under t he guise of this Emergency...climate change. Removing from them their liberties and freedoms ...

    IN the olde religions this is called Pantheism...nature rules...nature worship...even if people have to go.

    The Tax is also part of the Herding....with no end in sight....and also no results...but a never ending Emergency.

    Sort of like Hannibal was allowed to run around Italy for 20 years looting and pillaging the country but he never looted and pillaged the property of the Roman Leadership.

    The siren cry was "No Roman dare sleep while Hannibal yet lives.!!"

    They used and misused Hannibal for 20 years to fleece the Roman people...under the guise of an emergency...and so too it will be with Climate Change.

    Massive herding and a shakedown.

    Ishmaelite bondage and involuntary servitude....run wild..

    You always must have an enemy to fear..or an emergency in the works....to fear...even if someone has to manufacture it for political lucre.

    " No Roman dares sleep ..while Hannibal Yet lives."

    The Russians.....The Russians....Oh..God...its the Russians....!!! Help me Mr Wizard.....help Meeeeeeeeeee!!!!

    My Non Ishmaelite .02,

    Dalewick, TMT Tactical and LastOutlaw like this.
  33. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Speaking of Egypt......

    Did I tell you that I handle uranium fuel rods for a living...???

    Gives you the warm fuzzies ..does it not???

    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical and LastOutlaw like this.
  34. duke in wales

    duke in wales Expert Member

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    Pesky Ishmaelite's get everywhere.

    If I'm Jewish does that make me an Ishmaelite?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Actually Google is NOT your friend. They are selling any and all your personal information to anybody and everybody. They are manipulating searches and altering data to meet their agenda. You might want to switch to DuckDuckgo for your searches and Opera for your browser protection. Read alternate news site --- some liberal (most) and the same number of conservative sites. It is amazing how the same story / article can and does get reported (oxymoron term) 180 degrees different.
    LastOutlaw likes this.
  36. LastOutlaw

    LastOutlaw Legendary Survivalist

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    I don't see this person making any changes to anything. Seems pretty locked in to belief in the agenda but I could be wrong.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. duke in wales

    duke in wales Expert Member

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    Not much point in posting on this thread, the paranoia is running way too deep here for sensible discussion.
    lonewolf likes this.
  38. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Climate change....Wow....

    By the time leadership get s done with Using /misusing Climate change to "Herd " people emotionally....into unthinking....they will have us working in our jobs with first place risks being taken and coming in second..third and fourth place in our own country.

    We will be told how much toilet paper to use...how much gasoline...how many cars we can have if any...or forced to take public transport.... How much food we can eat against it's effect on the environment....how much waste byproduct we can produce ..thus how much food we can eat and what types...tuned for the environment.....

    How much and or often we can heat our homes..how much and what hours we can watch television....etc etc etc...etc etc etc...total herding.

    In short we will be taking second third and fourth place in our own country...with our liberties and freedoms being severely curtailed under the emergency of climate change.

    And don't forget the tax...the climate change tax..tax to use and tax/fines for misuse....

    And we talk junk about the Muslims and their religion tax for unbelievers!! So few out here can recognize Climate Change taxes as a religious tax...a devout and zealous religious tax.....no different from the Muslims and their religious tax.

    You gotta be stupidly educated in ignorant nonsense..not to recognize Climate change as a religion hell bent on herding people on a world wide scale.

    Removing peoples property..labor ...and freedoms and liberties ....for this "Manufactured Emergency."

    The Ulitmate Herding Scheme.....Da Tovarich!!!

    Ishmaelites run wild...doing what they do best....bondage....putting people into bondage.

    Climate change will be extreme wealth redistribution....bondage...thus Ishmael.....Feudalism....royalty with a few living well off the labors and bondage of others.

    A few socially/politically connected insiders living well while everyone else is limited by "Climate Change."

    In Isaac shall thy seed be called.

    Be Warned....Chicken Little.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. Whisper

    Whisper Well-Known Member

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    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019
    BSHJ and TMT Tactical like this.
  40. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Climate change,...Yes, the climate is changing. The magnetic poles are shifting, deserts move and grow and jungles recede or grow. It's all been done before and we weren't around to take the blame. This planet has undergone at least 5 major ice ages. in between each one the planet warmed, deserts grew and jungle and forest, shrank, grew and shifted, We ARE in the middle of a Ice Age (so scientist say) because Greenland is still covered in ice. If the ice age is receding as scientist also say, doesn't it stand to reason, that the planet will be warming? Greenhouse gases. Yes, we are responsible for part of what's in the atmosphere. How much was put into the atmosphere when the coal, gas and oil beds were forming? How much gas was vented when a diplodocus farted? What about when 1 million diplodocus farted? Not to mention all there cousins. During the Devonian period, the entire planet was covered in water. Why did it change? We don't know.

    Modern humans are funny. We think we know so much. We think we control so much. We're piss ants, riding on a mountain through space and we actually think we can fly it. On a scientific level, one small thing could wipe us from the planet. A virus, super volcano eruption, meteorite strike or so many of the other things we prep for.

    I could go on, but why. Those that want to believe we are destroying the planet are going to believe, regardless.

    Ask yourself this. Am I believing facts, or are the facts being manipulated to give someone else control?

    How many lies do politicians tell, to gain or maintain control? Who decides those scientist salaries?

    You decide.

  41. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Great post Dale.
    Dalewick likes this.
  42. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    Geologically speaking we are not "in the middle of an ice age". We are actually in a period of ice retreat, which implies that we are exiting an ice age. It is more probable that we are entering an interglacial period. Basically the earth is more inclined to be ice bound than not and the periods of warmth exist between ice ages. Obviously we are not talking a few years but many, many, millennia. Nonetheless the scientific evidence suggests that is the case.

    For me the real concerns are overpopulation (did you know that the worlds population has tripled since WW2?) and the waste we leave behind us (not just plastics, but the faeces etc we produce). Our manufacturing processes are very harmful, not just to the environment, but also to those that live near manufacturing centres. The seas are full of plastics etc. We've made the air in many cities barely breathable. Not really anything to be proud of at all. I suspect that ultimately we will end up poisoning our liveable environment to the extent that life will no longer be tenable for us humans.

    Over 90% of species that ever existed have become extinct. Most of them before humans existed. One can infer from this that we humans will also become extinct at some point. The planet will be fine, we just won't be around to see it.
    TMT Tactical and duke in wales like this.
  43. duke in wales

    duke in wales Expert Member

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    The earth is in constant change, always has been and we can't stop that. What we can do is stop polluting the planet. As caretakers of this planet we do a lousy job cleaning up the shit we leave behind.

    Good post Brownbear.
    Brownbear likes this.
  44. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

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    I don't like the concept of a carbon tax either, and I doubt that -- even if it were implemented -- it would do much one way or another. But outside of being an excuse to ignore most of the data which points to some form of anthropogenic climate change, the carbon tax isn't much of an issue for environmentalists.

    What does matter is that we're fouling our own planet, and -- even if believe that a majority of the climate change is natural -- the amount we are causing could be just enough to tip the scales to a full climatic catastrophe. If we really want to keep the scales from tipping, there are a lot of things we could do -- like stopping the new decrees that give the energy companies carte blanche over our environmental laws -- which don't require a carbon tax at all!

    Finally, your comment about required disclaimers is incorrect. Here is the actual article, from The Guardian 12 years ago:

    "Al Gore's Oscar-winning documentary on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, was yesterday criticised by a high court judge who highlighted what he said were "nine scientific errors" in the film.

    "Mr Justice Barton yesterday said that while the film was "broadly accurate" in its presentation of climate change, he identified nine significant errors in the film, some of which, he said, had arisen in "the context of alarmism and exaggeration" to support the former US vice-president's views on climate change.

    "The film was broadly welcomed by environmental campaigners and scientists on its release last year, and while they did point out that it contained mistakes, these were relatively small and did not detract from the film's central message - that global warming was a real problem and humans had the technology to do something about it."
    duke in wales likes this.
  45. Whisper

    Whisper Well-Known Member

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    The entire article must be read to get the jist. It lists 9 problems in the documentary. That's a lot of problems in my book. It's over dramatized and of course the environmental campaigners are going to agree with it.

    So, since none of us are scientists what's a person to do? The same as most do when something like this is politicized... choose a side blindly. I'm doing my part by not polluting my land. That's all I have any control over.
  46. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good afternoon Duncan,

    One indirect, defacto, carbon tax has already been enacted and effective January, 2020.

    Fuel for merchant vessels in the global trade must use a better quality, less polluting type than the current stuff used. This, of course, eliminates the small, older vessels.

    The key ports already have arrangements in place for Jan 2020.

    I think I posted the specifics on this site; I forgot.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. Meerkat

    Meerkat Expert Member

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    I tend to kinda agree. The last Ice Age was followed by a hot climate change.
    But I do think that man in many ways is helping to kill the oceans and rivers . But also think the normal warming change is also part of it. Not sure just my take on it. :confused:
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. Meerkat

    Meerkat Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    Nobody stuck the illegal invaders into any internment camp or any such thing. We were once a nation not a free for all flop house. Now we are a violent crime ridden no mans land.
    They should be sent back like Ike did. We need another Operation Wetback because our nation is gone. Many legal South Americans and other immigrants like borders and being a nation.
    Third world invasion has made Americans slaves to the masses.
    It is a done deal and will not change but the facts are the facts. And at least 20% of minority of all races agree with this. No man should be forced to support another mans family or person.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    There's no argument that a lot of what Al Gore said was over-dramatized. That's the way communication works: you tend to put your agenda in the best light possible, which is exactly what both the climate change proponents AND the climate change deniers do. It's up to us -- intelligent laypersons -- to apply the horse-sh¡t meter to everything we read, hear, or see, if we want to get to the truth. And of course the environmental campaigners are going to overlook the over-dramatization, just like the climate deniers are going to ignore the over-dramatization of the climate deniers' claims.

    I believe that's what's called "human nature"!

    But what the article says -- in effect -- is that the basic information is true, and that anthropogenic climate change is a fact. Our activities are not (of course) the only thing driving climate change, but it is a significant factor which is either contributing to a "tipping point" or at least hurrying the process along a bit.

    Horsefeathers! You and I may not be "scientists" but we should be able to apply a little critical thinking to anything we read and try to look at things as they are, not what we'd like them to be.

    I'd love to disagree with you on that, but I can't. I think the whole change thing has passed the point of no return, and that all we can do now is to plan our work and work our plan: prepare for whatever catastrophes our logic and reason tells us is in store for us, and hope our plans will ensures our families' survivable and prosperous future.

    Meanwhile, make sure you have a hundred year's supply of potable water available, and remember that a couple hundred more rounds of 5.56X45mm won't hurt, either.
  50. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Whisper, I know I'm still new here, but your scientist comment is incorrect. I am a degree'd and certified Wildlife Biologist, that worked many years for the USA federal government before having to retire.

    I left being a wildlife biologist because I couldn't stomach the political BS.

    duke in wales and TMT Tactical like this.
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