What would you use as toilet paper?

Discussion in 'Safety' started by meganisonfire, May 23, 2016.

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  1. meganisonfire

    meganisonfire New Member

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    Let's say you're stranded on an island and have no supplies. What would you use as toilet paper? I think that you would need basic knowledge of plants. I would use a leaf of some sort or go wash in the river. A friend of mine (back in 5th grade) used a poison ivy leaf to wipe with after going in the woods. I told her to show me the leaf before she wiped with it but she didn't listen to me. We were being bad kids, skipping school and had no access to a bathroom. We hung out in the woods by her house, but her parents were away at work and locked the house. Anyway not to get off topic but it would be a shame using the bathroom in the woods and wiping with a poisonous leaf!
  2. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    This is easy!
    Hole in sand! crap in it walk a few steps to beach and wash!
    If it is too cold to walk in use rag or whatever and rinse out well, very well!
    Boil rag after rinsing if you can!
    We used to have a small hand towel each when camping at the coast!
    and a length of rope to drop and retrieve from the rocks if needed!
    Park rangers take a dim view of that though!:oops:
    arctic bill likes this.
  3. cluckeyo

    cluckeyo Well-Known Member

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    Fig leaves would work. My love grew up rather poor. Thier toilet was outside and they used large leaves for "asswipe" as he calls it. We've had emergency stops while traveling on vacation and he found a rock to dig me a hole. lol. Then covered with sand :) We also used this system while out hiking.
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we have something in the UK called a Dock plant, it has huge leaves and grows wild, it has been used for centuries as a toilet paper replacement, but failing that a hand full of grass will suffice, if your near a river wash your backside in that.
    PriscillaKing likes this.
  5. terryse

    terryse Member

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    I would use water as it seems H2O is the most abundant resource in an island.
    jeager likes this.
  6. John Snort

    John Snort Well-Known Member

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    Mullein leaf would be a good substitute. It is soft and absorbent. Could get the job done as well as toilet paper does it.

    If you are using water to get the job done then the best way to do it is by using your left hand [that's how Muslims do it]. If you are a lefty use your right hand to wash yourself, that's assuming there's water available.
  7. Sealpikachu

    Sealpikachu Member

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    I agree! Easiest method by far. If water is too far away then leaves from an actual tree to help reduce risk of g poisonous probably.
  8. acheno84

    acheno84 Member

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    Definitely go in a hole in the dirt, bury it, and rinse in the water. You could use a leaf if so desired. I would look for leaves like elephant ears or something with a rubbery, texture. Just to be totally safe, I would avoid anything that had pointy ends or grew on an ivy. I can only imagine how awful that would have been to wipe with poison ivy. If you're on an island, odds are the plants that are growing are water based and potentially healing in nature.
  9. remnant

    remnant Expert Member

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    The fact that its an island should make it obvious that washing oneself would suffice. On the other hand, one could use a bundle of dry grass. Better still, there are broad leafed plants like Croton that one can use. To avoid poisonous leaves, look for sweet or neutral smells.
  10. filmjunkie08

    filmjunkie08 Active Member

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    If it is an island, you could easily recognize palm leaves and fig leaves. However, designating an area as the "latrine" is a good idea as well. Dig a hole, poop, and cover it up with dirt. (Remember the flies.) Easy cheesy, lemon squeezy.
  11. Correy

    Correy Expert Member

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    In roman times they used to wipe with sponges, but they need to be rinsed afterwards or thrown away, and this isn't something you can find just anywhere. Another thing is newspapers, those are basically the cheapest kind of paper and they have a big surface to fold it over and wipe on the other side as well.
    The pioneers used to wipe with corn husks, because they had so many, thus very disposable.
  12. judyd1

    judyd1 New Member

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    The right kind of leaves would be okay, but you should still be on the lookout for old t-shirts or clothes that people have left behind or thrown away. They can be used for a variety of needs, among those being ....ahem.....bathroom necessities.
  13. viva93

    viva93 New Member

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    My very first choice would be the leaves around me.

    But then again, using water and immadietly washing yourself is the best option, especially if your stranded somewhere without basic cleaning products, your hyginie is one of the most important things to pay attention to.
    It is really easy to get an infection, especially if the weather is warm.
  14. FuZyOn

    FuZyOn Expert Member

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    Depends on what type of island I'm stranded on, I would definitely opt for a quick water dive if I really needed to clean my butt, if there wasn't any nearby I imagine there are a lot of trees with leaves around me, natural toilet paper (is that even a thing?) is not an issue on an island.
  15. iseeyou

    iseeyou Member

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    I'll probably resort to using water in this scenario, i'll make use of the water that's surrounding me. Leaves is not a bad option and totally doable but the odds are it might cause allergic reaction or the leaves around you might not be safe, you never know, so i'll opt for water, it's the safest option.
  16. DaBozzLady

    DaBozzLady Member

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    I think most hit it on the head already. But yeah, leaves would be best. And then for extra cleaning and health, if on an island, should definitely be some water around for cleansing. Did some research and some of the best leaves to look for based on comfort, ease of use and absorbency, would be mullein, corn lily, thimbleberry, large leaf aster and wooly lambs ear.
  17. shcoo

    shcoo New Member

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    I would use a designated towel or old piece of clothing, then immediately go wash it and myself in the water. If there was no towel or clothing, I'm not sure if I could get comfortable with leaves or if I would just go immediately to the water.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I believe the ancient romans used a sponge. or you could use spagnam moss.
  19. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    When we were kids a friend wiped with leaves.
    Went up his rectum into his intestines.
    That got him 3 weeks in a hospital!
  20. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    The Romans used sponges, you could also use old bits of cloth, we used to use Dock leaves as kids.
  21. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    When I was young we were quite economically disadvantaged.
    I didn't know that then but now that I'm economically much more secure I recall it clearly.
    We raised pigs, beef. chickens, rabbits, gardened, foraged, hunted, .....................skills I appreciate today.
    Dad made me a basket ball from a pig bladder and a hoop from a rusted out 5 gallon can.
    Rabbits. A few does, and a buck and we were up to our ears in rabbits.
    I won't eat a tame rabbit to this day. (wild ones are good eating.)

    We had a 2 hole outhouse and an old Sears catalog was toilet paper.
    Why 2 holes one wonders?
    Were you going to debate politics while taking a dump?:confused:
    Last edited: May 6, 2017
  22. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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  23. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

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    This is a good thread because most of us are discounting this issue of going to the toilet. But we have to admit that it is part of nature so we cannot escape from it. In the woods, what we do is to dig a pit that will serve as the toilet. "Cover it with soil when you are done," that's the usual reminder for that. And for the toilet paper, we actually use water to wash off the butt. But if there is no available water, we try to find a tree or plant with soft leaves that wouldn't harm the butt when used for wiping. Imagine the lettuce or cabbage leaves, they are good to serve as toilet paper.
  24. sanny99

    sanny99 New Member

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    Let's say you're stranded on an island and have no supplies. What would you use as toilet paper? I think that you would need basic knowledge of plants. I would use a leaf of some sort or go wash in the river. A friend of mine (back in 5th grade) used a poison ivy leaf to wipe with after going in the woods. I told her to show me the leaf before she wiped with it but she didn't listen to me. We were being bad kids, skipping school and had no access to a bathroom. We hung out in the woods by her house, but her parents were away at work and locked the house. Anyway not to get off topic but it would be a shame using the bathroom in the woods and wiping with a poisonous leaf!
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    A relative of mine said that goslings were soft and efficient. He must have created some seriously neurotic geese.
  26. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    A long time ago some neighborhood boys were playing in the woods.
    That particular day I wasn't with my buds.
    I guess we were between 13 and 15 back then.
    One boy had to doo-doo in the woods and wiped his behind with leaves and grass.
    It traveled up is rectum! Perfect place for the blisters to spread and spread right up his colon.
    Three weeks in the hospital and a very painful three weeks we were told.
    Bad, very, bad idea.
    When I'm hunting away from a proper potty I carry tissue paper just in case.
  27. AidenBear

    AidenBear New Member

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    If I was near water it would make the process easier. If I found a plant leaf that I recognise and am sure that it won't cause me any harm, I would wipe with that plant leaf in the water. If there was no water around it can still be done. This is can go very wrong if you have a bad knowledge of plants because medical issues can occur. Luckily when I'm camping I always bring toilet paper to make sure that I don't run into this issue.
    jeager likes this.
  28. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    "bring toilet paper" A little foresight is a great thing.:D

    Isn't this a "prepper/survival" forum?
    I thought so.
    Preparing to take a dump should be quite basic I'd think.
    Perhaps start a thread or dedicate a section to butt wipe prepping?

    I really crack me up.:p
  29. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    don't you know toilet paper storing is a prepper thing, most preppers do it-some to excess!!:p
    jeager likes this.
  30. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    Is it possible we all suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder??????????

    My fiance and kids swear I need psychotherapy because I have over 50 firearms, thousands of rounds of ammo, way too much fishing equipment, drive an s.u.v., have an a.t.v., canning supplies,
    garden, preserve foods, and hang out with other o.c.d. people on prepper sites.
    " I'd rather prepare too far than not far enough."

    I don't know how said that but I'll take credit.:D

    Maybe I should thin the heard of firearms!:eek:

  31. Jack Frost

    Jack Frost New Member

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    Animals don't even wipe their butts. They do lick them, if possible. I guess it all depends on what you are eating. Maybe use a wet hand to replicate the licking action. If you stock up on booze, you could even use that. Lots of alcohol would be a great all round item to have in such a situation. It kills bacteria, and would probably give you a decent buzz even when imbibed anally. Ancient people used to drink it every day, and throughout the day. Dealing with unsanitary water conditions, I think it would be extremely useful and a lifesaver in many situations.
  32. camshaq23

    camshaq23 New Member

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    I'd find a lake or a puddle of clean water to wipe out water faeces round that around there.
  33. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

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    Wet Corn cobs were used a lot back in the day
  34. DeeFree

    DeeFree New Member

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    Wow, this is a great question. And as usual it all depends on certain circumstances on what I would do. Firstly, if I just had t do a number 1, I would squat, do my business and shake my bottom a bit to air dry then arrange my clothes back. BUT i I had to number 2, hopefully I will have had a bit of time to think about it. I think I would tear off a piece of cloth from somewhere, my clothing probably and use it to wipe. If I could rinse the rag for later use I would do that, if not, I would try to bury it. I would consider using my hand as I've heard that in other cultures using the left hand to wipe after number is standar. I assume they wash the hand thoroughly afterwards. I would definitely do it if I had absolutely no alternatives.
  35. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww OUCH!

    We used an old Sears catalog in the outhouse.

    Some history.
    People used leaves, grass, ferns, corn cobs, maize, fruit skins, seashells, stone, sand, moss, snow and water. The simplest way was physical use of one's hand. Wealthy people usually used wool, lace or hemp.

    Romans were the cleanest. Wealthy used wool and rosewater and others used sponge attached to a wooden stick, soaked in a bucket of salt water.

    The Greeks would use clay.

    If I had no t-paper I go with dry moss.
    What ladies used before sanitary napkins.
    (or so I've read having NEVER asked a lady)

    You can tell when you're in a red neck neighborhood by the toilet paper hanging out to dry.
  36. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

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    I have a bunch of sleeve less shirts that went to the woods with sleeves and did not come back.
    jeager likes this.
  37. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    Yeah, that'd work.
  38. kgord

    kgord Active Member

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    I would try to use a cloth if possible or even a paper towel. I know in the old days they used to use corn cobs for wipes, those along with the Sears Catalog. Many an outhouse was filled the combination of the two of those. They seem like they would be rather hard and scratchy however, as far as I am concerned.
  39. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

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    John Wayne toilet paper rough and tough and take no crap off anyone
  40. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    That was an aweful pun!:p

    When I was a kid we had no running water and an outhouse.
    A pitcher pump in the kitchen.
    A two hole out house.
    So were we to take a crap and carry on a gossip session with a buddy?:rolleyes:
    Toilet paper was last years Sears Catalog.
  41. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    When I was 16 I asked my dad who had a 3rd grade education if I could go to college.
    "No. That's for rich smart boys."
    I knew we were poor. I didn't know I was stupid.
    At 48 I was 100% disabled from police work.
    9 months in rehab learning to walk again. 4th broken back.
    13 serious injuries.
    I got a FREE ride to college via a Workers Comp rehab program.
    Graduated with an A average.
    Got at job at G.M. They sent me to college on G.M's dime where I earned a second
    degree and an A average working full time, going to school full time, married raising
    3 step daughters.
    I got that wife a job at G.M.
    When she got into the union she divorced my butt and married another foreman.
    Oh, well.
    I'm 70 now and STILL paying child support for the last child.
    He's a wonderful 17 year old going into a nursing program
    It would appear that in the face of adversity I'm a survivor.
    My last child will be 18 soon. Whooooooooooo-rah.
    No mo' child support.

    Anyone that thinks they can't excel in the face of adversity is a snowflake!
  42. scaruso3

    scaruso3 New Member

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    I would first use the leaf of plants, but they can rip and crumble. This may sound gross to some, but I recommend using the corner of a shirt or something similar as toilet paper. After, you can wash it off in the water, and the hotter the water the cleaner it will be.
  43. Okaviator

    Okaviator Member

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    I would personally recommend just using a water source nearby to clean off. Wiping with leaves can be dirty Andy unsanitary if they decide to break. Hopefully this provides some insight. Cheers!
  44. joegirl

    joegirl Member

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    My hands and water. If there is no water, then some sort of broad soft leaves should suffice.
  45. joegirl

    joegirl Member

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    My hands and water. If there is no water, then some sort of broad soft leaves should suffice.
  46. Neiltarquin

    Neiltarquin Member

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    The use of toilet paper for me is a luxury. You don't need toilet paper if there is water.
  47. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

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    When I am in the wilderness and I don't have toilet paper, I will try to find water. If water is not available, I will be using leaves. There is no better option. While using leaves, I will choose big leaves that are soft and smooth. I will also make sure that I am not allergic to the leaf I am using.
  48. ToTang45

    ToTang45 Expert Member

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    I remember watching a show about cheap families and one family used to use old clothing as 'washable/reusable' toilet paper.
    Like they'd cut it into squares and would use it, and them rinse it and machine wash it...
  49. zeedollar

    zeedollar New Member

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    Since it is an island, then there would definitely be abundant supply of water so i will just go and wash my self in the water when am done. i never really like the leaf idea because at time it might tear up while cleaning and get your hands in poop... ewwwww
  50. PriscillaKing

    PriscillaKing Expert Member

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    It's been imported to North America. There are different species, but burdock, the kind with the huge leaves, is wonderful stuff. Young tender leaves are edible; leaf juices have a soothing effect when rubbed on skin injuries; leaves are big enough for t.p.; dry leaves burn; and the root can also be cooked and eaten.
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