What You Should Actually Do In A Nuclear Attack - And Why Most People Get It Wrong

Discussion in 'The Apocalypse' started by Keith H., Jan 19, 2018.

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  1. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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  2. Tom Williams

    Tom Williams Moderator Staff Member

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    In the event of 1 blast you may survive well if prepared well in the event of full dropped all over the world blast idk it will be every tuff a well made and stocked bunker deep underground with all the filters and equipment to survive is well out of our price range multiblast good luck god bless us alll
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Because I'm an old geezer, I'm not building a fallout shelter. If I knew a nuke was on its way towards me, I'd get out a big umbrella, lounge chair, sit down outside with a cool adult beverage, and put on my sun glasses.

    What I might do if I only needed to reduce my radiation exposure (to reduce radiation sickness) would be to surround a sleeping area with radiation-absorbing materials. I found an article with illustrations. Follow this link, then scroll down to the section "Improvised Protection Against Fallout" under "Step 4: Know How to Take Shelter":
    http://www.survivalprimer.com/11 Steps to Nuclear War Fallout Survival.htm

  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Because I'm an old geezer I'm not likely to be building any fallout shelter anytime soon. This would be specially true were a nuke headed my way; I'll just get out the beach umbrella, lounge chair, cool adult beverage, and put on my sun glasses. If I'm away from the foray and want to lessen our chance of radiation sickness, I'd come up with some make-do shelter inside my home -- the basement being the best location. Here's a Canadian publication. Scroll down to section #4 and under that, you'll find "Improvised Protection Against Fallout".

    http://www.survivalprimer.com/11 Steps to Nuclear War Fallout Survival.htm
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    in any kind of emergency most people will panic, many will just climb in their cars and TRY to head out of town, if its nuclear or fallout they probably wont get very far.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    There's this gap in the mountains that a whole lot of folk and myself must use all the time.

    The least little thing weatherwise goes wrong and the city-folk soil themselves about having to cross over this mountain range. Southern Appalachia is a series of parallel ranges with valleys in between. Mountain folk live up in the hollows ("hollers").

    It doesn't even begin to take an apocalypse for people to get all saucer-eyed panicked, run out'a work, jump into their fancy useless cars and head for the one road they all take. Within minutes, the road up the side of the mountain (where the above photo was taken) turns into a parking lot.

    If the electricity is on before I head out, I hit the web and look to see if the road is passable and also to hit the cameras that permanently reside up there. If it is bad, I take alternate routes.

    Given a real emergency, I would be hard pressed to imagine just how loony-tunes dump-in-their-drawers psychotic people are going to get. Animals caged up in zoos begin developing very bizarre behavioral patterns. Humans have the ability to far exceed critters when it comes to crazy. I'm gonna stay as far away from that "adventure" as is possible.

    In an emergency, if one hasn't anticipated its coming and already gotten out, then the only course of action is to hunker down and solidify what you have where you are. Maybe when the bulldozers and or Army tanks clear the traffic, one will again be able to bug out. As for the latter statement, I'm talking side-roads. Major highways will be used for official/military use only.
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