Why The Ipcc Report Is So Scary!

Discussion in 'Climate Change' started by Keith H., Apr 12, 2019.

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  1. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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  2. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Climate Change is not a fantasy, its a fact, and its happening now.
    of course its easy to ignore it, if one wishes, in some countries that is a religion in itself.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  3. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    Sorry but I have been doing my research for forty five years now and there is still nothing outside normal variations!
    It is a con job same as all religions! believe if you like but I am fed up with having religion shoved in every orifice all the time!

    We are in a minor warming cycle in a major cooling cycle, see "Milankovich Cycle"
    These Cycles are forces that dwarf anything mankind can do!
    Earth is decending into a 100-120 thousand year deep freeze and there is jack humans can do.
    I am preparing for long term cooling but I aint preaching it to the mass's, all my plans are centred around a 5-10C cooling over the next two decades.
    Ever wondered why the last decades winters have been so harsh in most places, even in otherwise hot Australia fourty years ago it was predicted our snow season would vanish by 2000 we are having bumper snow seasons year after year still why is this so???? because the reality is cooling and long term cooling !
    How are the winters where you are
    Winter is coming
    Winter is coming
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    what worries me is the loss of polar ice, if enough of this is lost the resulting amount of fresh water going into the Atlantic will stop the Gulf Stream in its tracks and Britain will be uninhabitable.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  5. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Because of the polar shift some areas may become warmer as some areas become cooler. But overall global cooling and another ice age is slowly coming . The polar shift can be proven by simply tracking the changing polar points . This polar shift can be and has been proven unlike the global warming theory . I can understand some being convinced the earth is warming up , that's because it is where they are at . Others are freezing their buts off .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I read a long time ago somewhere about rising sea levels because of changing climates, low Asian islands that will be underwater in a few years time.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  7. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Regardless of the cause people will have to adapt , move or die . Nothing man can do to stop it .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I don't think we can stop it but we could lessen its effects by adapting our behaviour.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Hick Industries

    Hick Industries Expert Member

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    The ipcc reports are so scary, because the folks that produce them are not acting as scientists. They do not base their analysis on actual data and well known scientific principles. They lie.

    The reality is that our climate has always changed in responce to the amount of sunlight actually reaching the earths surface.

    Any proposal to regulate fossile fuels will be costly, ineffective, and likely to cause agriculture failures, famine, and death. Thats a hell of a price to pay for futile actions.
  10. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    Not a problem as the loss is minimal
    Britain becomes uninhabitable every iceage and it gets repopulated every interglacial.
    Britain actually gets frozen over several hundred years after northern Europe and defrosts several hundred years earlier than northern Europe due to the gulf stream, not that that matters much!

    You can trust the .gov to steer the mass's in the wrong direction, seems to be a given for .gov
    While most are worrying about getting hot they will end up freezing!
    How many in the know are buying up in the colder regions and how many are buying up in the warmer regions
    Most to my knowledge are buying in warmer climes!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Me, I believe coastal cities lying on the oceans of the world will be destroyed long before any global warming gets them.

    Within twenty or thirty years, multiple billion (thousands of millions) people will be killed. Oceans slosh and plagues are inevitable even as are wars. The next world wars will be fought with nukes.

    It is true that the Gulf Stream is one mega-fragile system that could simply shut down on a whim. Europeans may therefore plan on investing in real estate much further south.

    Koalas only eat eucalyptus -- talk about an evolutionary cyanide tablet!

    There is NOTHING whatsoever about this world that is fair. The reality of there being nothing or no one wherever, whenever, to take care of you is the in-your-face starting point of the survivalist's journey.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    now that is one sentiment I do agree with and its what seperates us from the snowflakes.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    That thought is scary. fortunately, there is no evidence that it is going to happen. 25 years ago they said that in 5 years the pole would melt and the polar bears would all die. They talked about the Northwest Passage opening up and ships being able to sail from the UK to Japan across the polar region in the summer. Now, 25 years late that same original statement is being quoted. It was wrong 25 years ago and by now you would think that it is obvious that it was wrong.

    The problem that people are having has to do with just plain greed and stupidity. If you hear that eating chickens is unhealthy do you let the chicken farmers do the study to determine the truth of that statement? No, because if they said yes they would be out of a job. the IPCC is in that position. If they find that climate change is a natural part of weather and that it is only slightly affected by the current human activity they would lose their power and jobs.

    Climate change is REAL. I don't see that in question. The world has often gone through climate change that sometimes had grave effects of human civilizations. The idea that all climate change is the direct result of the USA is just plain stupid propaganda. Our footprint has been shrinking smaller and smaller for decades. that is a FACT. China and other Eastern nations footprints have grown massively and at an accelerating pace. That again is a FACT.

    Europe has been jealous of the wealth of the US. That wealth is a direct result of the resources available. The other part of the problem is that Europe has just about totally used up their available resources and wasn't as rich in those things even in the beginning. The Europeans countries raped the entire world of its wealth for centuries. Now they have lost control and the worldwide empires are gone.

    The entire series of the end of the world because the US is messing things up is simply a power play. There is no hole in the ozone layer that is going to kill us all from skin cancer. the polar bears are alive and well, The smoke that was supposed to cause the world to go into another ice age is temporarily put on hold. Global warming is not a major or worldwide problem. the oceans are not dead as they started predicting 40 years ago. the biggest problem with the seas is that the Eastern Nations are over harvesting the fish. Japan is still killing whales.

    If you want to find out the TRUTH you need to follow the money and see exactly who is paying the bills for these predictions. Then you need to start looking at the details of what they are saying. We have all seen the graphs with huge spikes that they use as evidence... but if you dig and get the original study you find that the scale is such that it makes a mountain out of a molehill.

    I have no problem with the fact that Keith believes in Global warming. That is an opinion just like mine. I disagree with his opinion but that in no way affects my respect for him. We are seeing different things and live in very different worlds. When you disagree with someone's opinions you need to talk about those opinions and NOT about the person.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2019

    TENNGRIZZ Expert Member

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    Global warming ? LIONS and TIGERS and Bears Oh My ! " Unleash the Kraken and let slip the dogs" Some are born for the Valley of the Shadow , others not so much. JMHO and S/FI!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. GrizzlyetteAdams

    GrizzlyetteAdams Crap Creek Survivor

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    While I (or anyone else here) can't singlehandedly change the political or moral compass of the world, I do want to be prepared for whatever way the climate falls. It would be silly of me to think, well...I believe in (this or that), so that's what I will prep for.

    A dedicated survivor will attempt to be prepared for the expected AND THE UNEXPECTED so I hope to see more threads in the Climate Change subforum that deal with adapting to both "The Solar Minimum" and "Global Warming."

    I hope to continue growing my preps to cover both situations, which gives greater peace of mind, and could very well save a lot of headaches now and possibly future hand-wringing, lol.

    One of the things that keeps me from debating on climate changes is that what will happen will happen, regardless of my efforts to change other people's minds one way or another. No matter how persuasive I am, it won't change a thing except for wasting my time and yours because time is short, and it could be better spent learning and preparing for the expected and the unexpected.

    Peace, y'all.

  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I do believe in Climate change, whilst a lot of it is natural I do believe that mans actions especially after the industrial revolution, factories and cars and oil production have a lot to do with this, with the increase in the population since industrialisation and the nature of global trade all have an impact.
    what we can do to keep the rise in global levels to a minimum is another question, most people will not want to give up their modern lifestyle for the good of the planet but in the end if we do not then the rise may have a serious effect on the survival of humans in the coming decades.
    climate change may be the SHTF of the modern age.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  17. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

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    This is a personal issue with me, and the reason is here

    Here are some more pictures Dawn and I took that same month. Check 'em out while you can; within 30 years or so they won't be there any more!
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  18. Sourdough

    Sourdough "eleutheromaniac"

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    I love the simplicity of that.
  19. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    We can try & stabilize climate change at its present level, but this is not going to happen, because as lonewolf said, the majority of people do not want to lose their jobs & their present comfortable lifestyle.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I think that if there is a major change in the climate, regardless of the cause, we need to think more about adapting than trying to hold the tides back with a broom. There is GOING to be climate change. Any study of geology and ancient archeology shows that the world has gone through hundreds of world-changing climate changes loooooong before the US and Americans were around to blame it on. I suspect that long after the last human has died that this world will still have climate change. If people REALLY think that the US is the cause of all climate change then why don't they quit taking our money, food and expecting us to protect them? Our footprint would shrink a lot if we stopped financing the western Worlds Military and charities and stop all shipments of our nasty fuels out of our country. Can you imagine paying 25 Euros a liter for fuel if the US stopped subsidizing the cost of the fuel that you use and you HAD to buy it from China or Russia because you don't have any oil fields of your own and probably wouldn't be willing to refine it if you did? Refining is a nasty process no matter what you do to minimize the pollutants.
  21. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Okay, this is my opinion only, based on what I am seeing here in Australia & what has been happening in the rest of the world. If the majority of people do not pull together & take control, & do what needs to be done to stabilize climate change at its present level, then things are going to get bad by the end of this century, possibly even TEOTWAWKI. By the end of the next century or the 23rd century we could be looking at the extinction of all life on earth.

    Now I find it difficult enough to understand the average persons unwillingness to sacrifice their job & their comfortable lifestyle to save the world & give the younger generations a future, but I completely find it unbelievable that preppers think in the same way! After all, we are preppers, we of all people should be able to organise our lifestyle to accommodate change. Yet most preppers, at least on this forum seem to be against trying to do anything about climate change, in fact most deny it even exists!

    This global warming climate change is not going to stop or go away just because people deny it is happening. Yes there are heaps of climate deniers & heaps of videos saying it is all fake but none of this is in fact backed up with facts. Now I know it is easy for me to say, because I have already made the move to off grid, so the extreme measures that need to be taken to stabilize climate change are not going to effect my family as much as it will effect those that have not prepared for TEOTWAWKI. But we are faced here with a literal life & death situation, & if the majority of people do not come together & take control now, then we are unlikely to get a second chance. When it all hits the fan & people wake up to the fact that this extreme weather condition is not normal, by then it will be too late to stabilize climate change at the earlier level. We will NOT be able to turn the clock back.
    df875b5adbce66d905ec53eea765da7c.png df875b5adbce66d905ec53eea765da7c.jpeg
    I have posted this graph before, & as someone quite rightly pointed out, this is NOT proof that global warming climate change exists, but this graph is backed up with scientific evidence that this has happened & is happening now. Even if you do not want to believe this, don't you think that faced with any possibility of extinction of all life on earth we should at least give the scientists reports the benefit of the doubt & do more research ourselves?

    I believe this is going to happen, & I & my family have done all we can on our own to reduce our own carbon footprint, in fact we should no longer have any carbon footprint. There are organisations around the world protesting on the streets for the stabilizing of climate change, & they NEED more people to join their ranks. To be honest I don't think the governments are going to pay any attention to these strikes, not enough to go the whole hog & stabilize climate change.
    Anyway, I hope that the climate deniers are right & the majority of qualified scientists are wrong, but I am going to continue to do all I can n regards to climate change. Right or wrong, no one on this forum can deny that this world is polluted & that we are still polluting! This pollution has to be stopped or the younger generation's future is going to be very bleak indeed.
    TMT Tactical and Duncan like this.
  22. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

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    It is sad -- nay, tragic -- that the bulk of "preppers" do not see the need to prepare for this most dangerous (and likely) scenario around today.

    Even worse are the "conspiracy theorists" who see everything as a Secret and Sinister Plot by the [insert your particular paranoid bête noir] to kill us all off. These same deluded individuals, who see the Bad Guys in every natural hiccup the Universe undergoes, completely ignore or disavow the one "conspiracy" which actually has scientific backing and a likelihood of happening.

    The thought processes of people who think this way are beyond my comprehension.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  23. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Agreed Duncan.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Hick Industries

    Hick Industries Expert Member

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    Keith, your temp chart is significantly flawed. The variations in global temps are much greater than you suggest, and many important details are missing.

    First, from the ratio of oxygen isotopes in ice cores, and marine sediments, we can estimate the temp of the top layer of the oceans. During the last ice age, 20,000 yrs ago, the ocean was 12C colder than the current temps. We dont know if the air temp varied the same, or if the thermal mass of the ocean, meant that it varied less than the air temp.

    Second, when the last ice age began to melt, large quantities of fresh water surged down the natural river channels and may have disrupted the flow of the gulf stream current. This disruption is attributed to the younger dryes temp drop that occured 13,000 yrs ago.

    Third, once the ice sheets melted and the 80,000 yrs of accumulated ice age mulch decomposed, global temps reach an interglacial maximum that was warmer than today. This max climate temp produced a psriod of high rainfall in the sahara and mohave deserts.

    Fourth, the little ice age was more sevier and longer lasting than you show. The ocean temps dropped by 1-2 C from 1350 AD to about 1850 AD. This cooling is attributed to a decrease in solar activity, and near absense of observable sun spots.

    Finally, most of the modern warming occured from 1880 to 1930 and is attributed to the return to normal sun spot activity. Since this warming occured before CO2 levels increased, the proposed causation can not be green house gas.

    I have read with interest at the various suggestions why coutries do not spend trillions of dollars trying to stop climate change. You are largely incorrect about that too. The United States does not attempt to control the climate, because our scientists and engineers are certain the change is primarily driven by solar activity, not CO2 levels.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  25. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    I don't expect to have to , but if things got that hot I would grab my shovel and pick axe and go underground . I like mushrooms . A prepper should have the mind set to adapt and overcome . I don't expect the world to change for my convenience or to help me survive .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Like I said "I have posted this graph before, & as someone quite rightly pointed out, this is NOT proof that global warming climate change exists, but this graph is backed up with scientific evidence that this has happened & is happening now. Even if you do not want to believe this, don't you think that faced with any possibility of extinction of all life on earth we should at least give the scientists reports the benefit of the doubt & do more research ourselves"?
    I see no reason why I should trust american scientists any more than you trust ours. Perhaps if people stopped trying so hard to disprove climate change because they don't want to believe, they might actually discover that this is a very real threat.
    Anyway, no point in my trying to convince climate deniers, let's hope you are right, I truly hope so. Meanwhile, I shall keep prepping just in case you are wrong!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    If 3 degrees Celsius makes you unable to survive you are awfully delicate. Where I live we often have a 30-degree Fairenhight swing in a day. I've seen a 90-degree change before in a matter of about 3 hours. One was a rising temperature and the other was a falling temperature but neither was a warning of global climate change.

    As near as I can tell we are about as likely to see an ice age as a global heatwave over the next 100 years.

    Actually, I sort of hope that we actually DO one or the other. maybe if something bad will happen we will make a more serious effort to get OFF this death trap planet before it sends us down that same path as millions of now-extinct species have gone. It is just a matter of time. I see this world as a species IQ test and right now we are failing it miserably. If we can spread out onto other places if this world gets hit by a huge rock or whatever we as a species will survive. If not the world will try again and maybe in another 65 million years something smarter will develop and survive the test.

    PS: Keith you have to understand, in order to create that "better" world the majority of the people on this planet are going to have to die. we can't produce enough food for this many person using ONLY green fuels and methods. I can't really see 3 or 4 billion people volunteering to die.
    TMT Tactical and Hick Industries like this.

    TENNGRIZZ Expert Member

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    SO if Yellow Stone , Krakatoa, Killamanjoari , Hawaii , Canary Islands all exploded from Volcanic activity during the same week , that would put more carbon emmissions in the air in one week than man has combined in the past 3,000 years.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

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    Well, that would be a hard thing to pencil-whip. First, humanity hasn't been putting significant amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere until four or five hundred years ago. We don't know how much CO2 a Yellowstone caldera eruption like the one ~750 kya put out. Krakatau, Pinatubo, and Kilauea we could figure; I don't think anyone knows with much success what historic eruptions from places like Kilimanjaro, Fuji, etc. put out, but it'd be a bunch.

    The real issue is that all these volcanoes aren't erupting at once, and many of them haven't erupted for up to a thousand years ago. What is happening right now is the amount of emissions people are putting into the atmosphere every day.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

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    Three deg C will not kill you, but what it would do is:
    • Wipe out a lot of agriculture. A winter wheat crop in the Dakotas or sugar beets here in Idaho could survive easily withstand a 30-deg temperature swing in a day or even a single season of a 3-deg temperature delta, but crop levels would be drastically lower and it wouldn't get any better. Certainly crops could adapt -- but that would probably be after the ten-year world-wide famine.
    • The citizens of Micronesia, half of the hundreds of millions of folks in Bangladesh, etc. aren't all that "delicate" either, but even a hard-core dude would have a bit of trouble breathing water, which is what would happen pretty quickly when a 3 deg C increase melted a lot of the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.
    • The folks in the UK might have a bit of a problem, too, since Greenland pouring all those billions of tons of freshwater into the Atlantic Ocean would probably knock out the thermohaline engine AKA the Gulf Stream that keeps the UK livable, even though it's at a latitude of 51 deg N lat, the same elevation as Labrador in North America or Khabrovsk Krai in Siberia. If the gulf stream goes away then keeping a stiff upper lip, old boy isn't going to keep half of the population from England, Ireland, or Scotland from starving and/or freezing to death in short order.
    • You like fish? Maybe you'd better get used to eating crispy-crunchy grasshoppers, because a 3-deg C rise in the temperature would have its worst effect on the cold-but-just-cold-enough water off Antarctica -- the breeding ground for the krill which are the bottom of the food chain for all the ocean's critters. Kill off the krill and you kill of the oceans.
    • Did I mention the coral reefs? A 3-deg C rise in oceanic temperature would kill off all the coral (half of Australia's Great Barrier Reef is dying today, after only a 2-deg C rise in ocean temps). I have been diving among coral reefs in the Caribbean and Pacific for thirty years now, and would hate to see all the brilliant tropical fish not have a home ... never mind; they'll all be dead anyway.
    We need to look at the bigger picture here, folks.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Even is all of that is true and comes to pass, species that become unable to adapt, change or endure change become extinct to make room for more adaptable species. Truthfully I have little worry about people. Though over the past 50 years many have become so weak that they can't live without hundreds of other people providing for them, we are still the most adaptable land-based life form. People live successfully from the frozen tundra to the arid bone dry scorching heat of the deserts and have done so even before there was power.

    I have no doubt that the weather is going to change. I'm not sure that people are the cause and I think that the idea that the US is the cause is idiotic. I an deathly serious in my belief that this planet is a death trap IQ test. Over and over in the past, there have been massive and sometimes very SUDDEN changes. There were periods when the ice from the arctic basically met the ice from the Antarctic. There are coal deposits in Antartica and fossils of dinosaurs indicating a much warmer climate. Fossil reefs rise and fall. The Guadalupe mountains in West Texas and New Mexico are not actually mountains. It is a huge fossil reef from a time when the water levels were high enough that there was a huge inland sea dividing North America in half.

    If we have become so weak and overpopulated that we can't adapt or change to handle a 3-degree change maybe it is time for us to be ADJUSTED. As we here mostly agree a great majority of the people alive today offer little to our survivability as a species. We here believe that in the event of a power loss that lasts more than a month or two a MAJOR part of the world's population will die.

    We as a species have become decadent and stupid. In places where starvation is a fact of life people are having kids at a rising rate because people from other places feel sorry for them and feed them without requiring them to better control their population. Even when an overpopulated nation tries to reduce their population the ignorant bleeding hearts in our ignorant decadent countries protest it as cruel and a human rights violation. No matter WHAT the climate does, we are going to have to adjust our population or die in mass... In the end, if we do nothing else we will return to our age-old population control method...worldwide war is a very effective, if temporary, way.

    I don't TRUST the scientific community to tell the truth in this matter. If they say that global warming is a natural temporary fluctuation and nothing to be worried about they will be out of a job. There are billions or maybe trillions of dollars and power in telling people that the sky is falling and almost nothing to be gained by saying that all is well. If you check the temperatures in places that are hot the water is going to be hot. hot water naturally has less oxygen in it than cooler water. That is why the whales spend so much time in the Arctic and Antarctic waters.

    We disagree. That's good because it means that we are taking things seriously and at least in this group doing a lot of thinking and reading. This problem is so big that there is no real way for anyone to truely see it on a worldwide level. A few years ago Texas had a terrible drought and fires burned up a lot of forests. while this is common in some places it is not common in Texas. The ponds and lakes started drying up. It was awful. I went to a one-day seminar at Texas A&M about this.

    The "experts" told us that this was the result of global warming and that it was also especially bad because of a natural 60-year weather cycle. They assured us that we were in for a lot of miserable hot dry summers from now on. Since then our annual rainfall has been more than double and floods ...they at first called them century floods until we just kept having them...became normal. Our summers now seldom hit the hundreds for weeks at a time and have become rare.

    Let's face it, the weather people can't tell you if it is going to rain tomorrow with any real accuracy. What makes you think that they can predict what is going to happen in 20, 50, or 100 years?
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  32. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    The simple problem here is that the ocean is NOT rising but the islands are sinking, they are volcanic in origin and subside over time man or not!
    The simple solution to the simple problem is to get every tourist to bring a rock and leave it there when they leave;)
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    The Earths crust is very flexible. We don't normally see it because the time rate is slow for us. The Great Lakes in North America we created by the massive weight of the ice that once covered that area. When the glaciers melted the depression remained. The crust is thinner and more flexible in places where there is extreme vulcanism.

    The Islands of Hawaii are examples of this. The big island is currently over a hotspot. The islands are created both by the lava flow accumulation and the rise caused by the pressure under it and the flexibility of the thinner crust. This has been going on for millions and l note that their size shrinks as you move west. even after the islands stop you will find sea mounts under the water still shrinking as they head west. The crust is moving while the hot spot is more unmoving.

    Oceanic islands are naturally created in three ways. Vucanism, Coral reefs that get covered with sand, and in shallow places the currents push the sand up and then erode it over and over. This is how the various "Keys" come about. The one thing that is certain is that islands are mostly temperary as are coastlines of larger land masses.

    The rise and fall of the oceans has a bunch of causes. I wonder how much the water would rise just from the expansion of the water as it warms up???
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

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    If that's the case, then every land mass on Earth must be "sinking" as well, because super-accurate GPS devices -- which can measure y-axis movement to a millimeter or less -- have shown the oceans to be rising as more water is added from land-locked ice sheets.
    TMT Tactical, TexDanm and lonewolf like this.
  35. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Now, THIS is what I like to read. SOOOOO many of the people that are sure the arctic ice is melting fail to realize that floating ice like what is over the north pole would have no effect on ocean levels. I actually watched a university professor trying to sell that idea one time. ONLY glacier ice that is on land will affect water levels.

    The problem with the polar ice melting has to do with some of the oddities of water. As it cools it gets heavier and sinks. If it starts to freeze it gets lighter and rises. Also, fresh water is a lot lighter than salt water and will "float" on top of salt water. The polar ice is fresh water and will, if it melts in mass, float on top cooling the warm currents. As the warmer salt water under it cools it will start to sink and possibly interrupt the flow of the oceanic current. This will make the Northern Atlantic cooler and the UK will develop a weather pattern more like Sweeden.

    The polar ice is fresh because it floats on top of salt water and the freezing point of fresh water is significantly higher than the salt so the salt water with sub-zero centigrade temperatures freezes the fresh water on top.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    As I've stated before, the weakening of the Earth's magnetic fields is a deep concern of mine. Many scientific papers document this, however it is not in keeping with the far left media's agenda.

    The man-made global warming dogma is one Leftist tool used in its war on industry/capitalism. Russia and China know this to be true and thus plow ahead with their plans to push the USA out of the way.

    Communist university professors (I've worked with them, sad to admit) promote with singular vigor the lies that promote their agenda. Universities are weighted-down with politics and the science suffers mightily. Seen this in action.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    This topic is interesting and a prime example of a waste of energy. 1) You are not going to get billions of people to surrender their current life style. 2) There is no game plan being put forward to correct the problem, even if it did exist. 3) There is absolutely nothing any one person can do to prevent the future weather. 4) Any meaningful reductions in fossil fuels would require about a 90% (estimation on my part) population reduction, due to loss of food production. 5) No country is going to sacrifice their economy do do what MAY be needed.

    Why debate something that cannot, in all reality, be prevented. It does not matter who is right or wrong in this debate, it is not going to change the out come. Simple solution, prepare according to your own predictions and quit trying to convince the other side. If you think a heat wave is coming, rig up wind turbine fans. If you think the next ice age is coming, dig underground dwelling. FACE FACTS, neither side is going to change their minds, so NOTHING is going to change. DEAL WITH IT.
    Duncan and poltiregist like this.
  38. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    A lot of what I've read Old Geezer seems to indicate that the Earth may be sort of getting ready for a pole reversal.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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