World War Three

Discussion in 'The Apocalypse' started by poltiregist, Jul 10, 2022.

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  1. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    NATO warns WW3 with Russia will happen within the next 20 years, personally I think it will be a lot sooner than that, maximum 5 years and probably a lot less than that.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  2. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  3. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    by Olde Geezer...

    Verily agree with Olde is a highly rigged show......and demonically so......and rigged by Ishmaelites.....devoted to their world religion.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    This is such a crock of bull hockey.......totally bull.....

    We ...especially us Americans know so little history ....even our own personal family histories but know all about the nonsense happening in Hollywood or what the latest nonsense we all need to run out and keep up with the Jonses.

    England/The Uk is and never has been a big land army....good on the sea...but not a big land army.

    This is why they have always needed others to protect the Empire for a slice of the pie..

    If the Uk gets into a European war....again...they are going to need someone else to come in and do the fighting and dying for expend billions and billions on materials and human sacrifice...again.

    And Americans ...being so ignorant about the true nature of this "Special Relationship" with the UK particular the Crown Merchants of Olde London. We Americans are and have been their boot lackeys when their investments go awry.

    It happened in the 'Boxer both Gulf Wars ad infinitum.

    Are we ever to know sufficient history to figure this out ....outside of the rigged phony news media, public education and or our rigged leadership.

    We Americans are so stupid we will do it again...bail out the UK/Crown Merchants to the last American.

    Sometimes there is nothing stupider and more dumb than a Patriotic unthinking unknowledgeable American....with a television and or movie education.....drama ...drama....drama.

    The UK is not going to do Jack....but frighten their own People...just like is happening here in America.

    The UK has already doomed itself by letting in so many foreigners...unchecked and putting them on the public breast....and the same olde "Usual Suspects" are working to run the very same program here in America...the same olde the same Suspects.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites....and their constant stream of lies and deceit.

    This too should also clear up why someone desperately does not want Trump into the office of President ...again..

    For Trump would not go along with these One world Global War ...Internationalist programs....

    I also think that both Trump and Putin know this...and are fighting the same people...groups.

    But we are never supposed to think or know this far.

    Someone/some group worked very hard to prevent Trump and Putin from Meeting.

    I also do not think this same someone/some group wanted Trump and this North Korean fellow to the DMZ. It was on the verge of giving up the Deep State Rigged Show.

    What I also suspect about the Crown Merchants out of Olde London...running a global trade and resource empire/monopoly....including drugs... that China is rebelling against this rigged system as well for the history of the that they will keep the Lions Share while other nations and people take all the risks...

    That we are never to know this history as well.

    This why MAGA is so... to someone or some group out here ...not wanting to be seen or known.but operating for secret purposes behind phony elected puppets in various nations and their governments.

    Trump is not one of them...and would expose the whole show...and this cannot be tolerated...

    The UK/Crown Merchants are not going to do jack...unless they can get someone else to do the fighting and dying for them.

    Wise up people!!!!

    Americans can be some kind of stupid.....really really stupid....

    Read ...." The Empire of the City."

    By E. C. Knuth...

    The Empire of "The City": The Secret History of British Financial Power: E. C. Knuth: 9781585092628: Books

    I believe this short book is now available on pdf format.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    And this why this coming election is going to be such a desperate circus show....on the backs of overly emotional ...unthinking...unknowing Americans.....

    Buckle is going to become desperate...truely desperate.....

    Be warned these Ishmaelites.....and their desperation......

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Putin has just ordered that (once the Ukraine war is won- by Russia of course) all "assets" that were part of The Soviet Union should be seized and reclaimed.
    Easy to see where this is going, he wants to reinstate/reinvent The Soviet Union.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    If Putin imagines that, then his brain really has gone to Swiss cheese. He's killed-off too many young men. The rest want to leave Russia.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    The Soviet Union was a colossal failure....that is why someone wants to openly institute the same system here in America.....Absolute Power...Divine Right of Kings...the perfect worker bee/ants....Bee Hive.....ant farm..

    How do I know was a colossal many cell phones do you see made in Russia?? Laptops??? Cars....air conditioning units...refrigerators.....TV's....and the list goes on.....

    I do not need a PHD to figure this out for myself...

    Give NATO some too will be a colossal failure as well......we need to get out of it...let them float on their own.. NATO is also the boot lackey for the Deep State...and We...Amerika...are hip deep in it.....

    We need to stop being the policemen/security blanket for the Crown's investments.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    There was a PHD in Economics....who was at one time the Dean of Economics at Bob Jones University..

    He went to Russia/The Soviet Union on a trip....the year before the 1980 Moscow Olympics...

    He came back to America and did lectures telling of how Un Super Power Soviet Russia really was.....back then.

    I have many of his lectures on cassette Tape....going way back....on how we are lied to about so much in this our leadership as well.

    He stated that there were only a handful of gas stations in speaking of how many cars there were in that Super Power city.

    How backwards Russia really was....and how drunk the people really never had to worry about the Russians outproducing America on anything...they were a nation of Sots.

    So this PHD goes around America in speaking engagements telling about his trip to Soviet Russia.

    You did not take long for that word to get back to Russia and the Soviet leadership started cracking down on drunkenness.

    He talks of his conversation to his wife....of what was really going on...why the trip to Soviet Russia was so inexpensive on a Pan Am flight tour package.

    He spoke of how he knew the hotel room was the maid spoke out loud to no one when she came in the room...for the listening show that she was not talking to and with the Americans.....gettting polluted with American Ideas..

    He would talk to his wife so that the listening devices would pick up what they were saying....about a nation of drunks.....the only thing of any volume they saw there was vodka. It was everywhere..

    But what he told his wife in particular for the microphones to pick up...was...

    " Honey...don't you understand what is really happening here....??? We are the test group before the Olympics to see what we can really see in Soviet Russia. Can we see how Un Super Power it really is....and then go home to tell others sufficient to realize ...we are afraid of this??? Why are we afraid of Russia????"

    That the phonies are here in our country..amongst our leadership......keeping us constantly affrighted...

    And now they are trying to turn us against each other..American against American...with predictability.....for control of the Bee Hive...

    When Russia Soviet Union fell.....the Deep State had to come up with another thing for which people need to be afraid....Aids...this or al...and they will manufacture keep people properly afrightened.....for ever...and thus herded.

    You must have and or manufacture a new one...a new bad guy to hate ...and or fear...

    Once you index/fingerprint this repeatedly taking can see them coming....

    For this is Ishmael......The Ishmaelites....and it is not new in history.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites......

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    1979 was a long time ago, I am sure many things in Russia have changed over the last 45 years as indeed they have changed everywhere else too.
    of course Putin is a dictator and their so called elections only have one candidate and opponents soon disappear or fall out of high windows or have "heart attacks" so in that respect things havent changed.
    but I think public opinion in modern Russia is turning against the Ukraine invasion as the cost in human lives is becoming more apparent to the Russian population.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  11. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Things have not changed everywhere else too. Many things have remained the same but only look different on the outside and covered up....concealed by technological advances.

    What some here in America, and in ever increasing numbers, are that behind the scenes....there is no difference in the Republican and Democrat parties. On the surface they appear to be two different parties...but behind the scenes....they are very much alike...where it counts to their handlers/controllers.

    In essence here in America ...what people are coming to realize is that there is in reality only one the Soviets.....only one party. They are to look different on the surface...on the the public education....but when certain decisions are to be made.....nothing is politics as usual.

    And this is becoming clearer behind the antics of the Biden Administration in the Weaponizing of various government departments against the American People and their beliefs....Soviet style Weaponizing of the government against the people...

    I often refer to this a Non Representative government....or in short I refer to it as Ishmaelite.

    The Russians do not like the Ukrainian War because they are moved on from the Soviet style ...and now back to Pan Slavism.

    The Ukrainians are slaves too....their government is turned on them...and so weaponized against the Ukrainian People and this is being heavily covered up in the our rigged media...and leadership.

    And our Phonies in our government and rigged media do not explain this to the American people as we are kept ignorant and in the dark of so much going on in the world for the purposes of protecting the controllers/handlers of the Bee Hive.

    I have known about Pan Slavism...for over 30 years now....same as Pan Americanism....Pan Germanism...Pan Asia/Asia for the Asiatics.....and other world doctrines of power and space..

    I believe we as a nation...America are never to know of the historical existence of these world power doctrines..and or principles.....definitions.

    This was totally avoided from my education .....except briefly ....many many years ago...Pan today ....totally absent from public education lieu of world doctrines....beliefs...UN doctrines..One size fits all.

    Be Warned These Ishmaelites....who would keep us ignorant of so much....

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    no difference here either between the Conservative and Labour parties, as someone said recently, "they are two cheeks of the same backside", both are globalists and internationalists and not particularly patriotic in fact patriotism is now a dirty word in political circles and becoming more so.
    I have voted Conservative at least since we moved here 14 years ago but in all honesty I dont think I can vote again for this current lot, not a conservative amongst them and Sunak is the worst. every time I see him on the TV I am reminded of an oily second hand car salesman.
    not that Starmer is any better, Labour would sell us off to the EU in an instant.
    political parties and governments are all the same all over the world,,,,not to be trusted.
    Ystranc, Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  13. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    I found it rather amusing that our MPs got so upset about it - maybe because they, too know they are cheeks of the same etc.

    It would be nice to have a bit of variety in political choice.
    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I dont think there is a cigarette paper between any of the UK political parties they are all the same with some minor policy differences, nothing to choose between them, at the end of the day they are made up of lawyers and professional politicians who think they know better than the people who elect them.
    Thats one reason why I like Trump, he isnt a career politician.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  15. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    by lonewolf....

    I hadn't quite thought of it in the manner you describe but this is exactly what is happening here in the USA as well.
    To be conservative.....and patriotic is to be an Extremist."

    There seems to have become a sort of word bracketing of people and ideas......for propaganda reasons...

    Like manufacturing bad people or bad guys when in fact they have broken no laws...

    Only the authorized sanctioned views tolerated.....join the herd or you are nobody or don't count.

    Sort of like the lockpick set in my pocket....people are very suspicious of you....until they lost their keys of left them at al.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    like being part of the herd or else you are an outsider, which is fine by me, I never was a team player.
    I have a mind of my own and I use it, unlike the masses.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Head of the British Army says people will have to be called up/conscripted if we go to war with Russia as the British Army isnt big enough.
    that should upset the millenials and the woke .
    nothing unusual about this, its what happened in WW1 and WW2.
    I just missed "National Service" myself, this ended in 1963 the same year I left school and entered the jobs market.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Germany has now issued a directive to it's inhabitants . Build /convert what resources they may have into building Nuclear Fallout shelters . The government of Germany can not build them due to " time constraints " . -- This warning suggests there is simply not enough time for the government to build fall out shelters . The citizens need to get out their shovels and start digging .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Multiple huge United States fuel tanker aircraft are " enroute " to the Muslim War region . This will give the ability of deep war into Iran or any other country the U.S. or Isarel may be about to send their aircraft into .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      So far, I've not found this info. What is your link?
      Old Geezer, Jan 29, 2024
  20. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    This information was obtained from a source that many don't like as they deem it " too dramatic " or in my estimation " too doomsday " for those that didn't prepare for such matters . -- Canadian Prepper was the source . He brought up on screen the aircraft that was enroute . I will look up the link and post below . --- This is also the same source for the warning given to German Citizens and their instructions to start building shelters for the Nuclear War .
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Here is the source for the information above . It really is worth watching .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    This morning as we all see the escalation of the war with the Muslims , I wonder what percentage of people still proclaim World War Three will never happen or there will never be a Nuclear war because of assured mutual destruction . Regardless as to whether they can face it yet or regardless as to whether they prepared for something this extreme , the likely of it happening just ratcheted up . --- With the now capabilities of many countries to send missiles to any country the deem and have them at their exploding destination in a matter of just a few minutes from the time they push the button , I consider it just trying to wish something into reality that it will not come to many countries that their citizens have been lulled into a non-war existence as the individual has never actually experienced war . It is what it is .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we havent had a war in the UK for 80 years and many people living in this country now myself included have never known war, so you can see why many civilians think it will never happen, that it is ancient history.
    if there is a WW3 then the main culprit is Russia, I dont believe Iran wants war especially with the US, they are happy just paying the muslim militias to do their dirty work for them, little rocket man in NK is just a fat fool and would be crushed in an instant if he tried anything like that, China dosent want war they are more interested in trade and technology, no the main culprit is Putin and like the rest of his threats this is just bullying to get the West to back off from Ukraine, and I think his time is terminal - maybe a "heart attack" or a "fall" from a tall building- if he dosent win in Ukraine within the next year to 18months.
    of course I could be wrong but that is my summary.
    we may have an insurrection/ civil war in the UK from the radical Muslims but only when they have sufficient numbers, which isnt anytime soon.
    Blitz, Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  24. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    We have been in a lot of overseas conflicts, our armed forces are up to scratch it would be quality of this fine generation of wokerati that would be the problem.

    I really worry about internecine strife. I honestly believe that if we go to war with a Muslim country that the growing numbers of Muslims her will rise up and we would end up fighting at home as well as overseas. I am not implying that there is a deliberate agenda by Muslim immigrants for this when they come here but they do see to be very vocal and one only has to look at some of the banners on display at the anti-semitic marches to see a groundswell of sentiment that does not fit the traditional British model.
    Ystranc and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Ystranc
      The shitstorm that blew up over Gaza protests is a clear indication that you’re right on this Brownbear. What amazed me was the number of woke middle class idiots that joined in the marches. It seems to be the defining characteristic of modern society, everyone demanding that their opinion be respected no matter how out of whack with reality it is. Do they not remember Palestinians dancing in the street at the news of 9/11.
      I know who’s side I’m on when it all kicks off. (not that my opinion matters o_O)
      Ystranc, Feb 10, 2024
      lonewolf likes this.
  25. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    what they used to call a "fifth Column" in WW2.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Currently in the USSA, there are Muslim terrorists coming into the US from both or southern border with Mexico and our northern border with Canada.

    These Muslims are not just biased anti-Zionist, antisemitic, anti-Christian, and anti-American, they actively mean to do harm now or in the near future. These illegal migrants will add to the current count of terrorist cells already existing in the US. Western Europe also has numerous sleeper terrorist cells. The most newly arrived could very well be bringing in biological weapons of mass destruction.

    The next terrorist attack against America within America could make 9/11 look profoundly tame in comparison. Biologic weaponry kills hundreds of thousands, millions. Terrorist nations can develop the contagion, vaccinate their own, vaccinate terrorist operatives, send these terrorists carrying a small bio-culture into Western nations, this starter culture could then be grown into a larger colonies and be distributed out across a nation. When the time comes, the terrorist nation could activate the terrorist sleeper cells in Western nations directing them to release the bio-warfare agents into the populaces of targeted nations. If this happens, millions upon millions could die without any need of nuclear bombs.

    Think this couldn't happen?! Israeli intelligence agencies didn't foresee the Palestinian Hamas attack on 7th, Oct. 2023. The IDF was unprepared. The West is currently unprepared for what is likely coming.

    You be prepared to not leave your house for weeks, even longer. During a real contagion (not some stupid covid mini-bombing raid), you and your loved ones must engage in strict isolation. You must also be prepared to stop, by any means necessary, anyone attempting to get into your home. There will be some people out there who have survived the attack, recuperated from the infective agent's effects, and are now out and about looting. If an agent kills 90% / 95% of the population, that still leaves millions alive. Many of these survivors will have the morals of a pack of hyenas.

    As outrageous as this scenario may sound, it is a reality. You can rest assured that FEMA and whatever other emergency agencies have considered/practiced this scenario big-time. But can you depend on these agencies to come and help you personally. If you think like that, then you think like a child.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  27. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    NO govt is coming to your aid in that sort of scenario, there is no 7th Cavalry riding over the hill to your rescue, its time everyone and I mean everyone even the sheeple and the wokerati realised that.
  28. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Oh, too true!

    This is especially true if you live in the boonies. The Feds will attempt -- let me emphasize attempt -- to engage in rescue efforts for the megalopolises. The latter will be the very definition of futility.

    In some cultures, the boonies will see people coming together. But, can you count on that?! You'd better not!

    People do come together in my culture, but I know my people. Many "good, down to Earth" folk will go mean. In my culture, when people get angry, they get violent. And let me tell you, they are very good at killing. Post SHTF, everyone here will be on edge, which is a bad thing ... a very bad thing. Post SHTF, a wise man must consider that he is walking on egg shells. Let's face it, civilization is but a veneer. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there wasn't a whole lot of locking arms and cooperation post-SHTF in my region -- it's most likely going to occur. HOWEVER, I'm sure not going to count on it!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    WTSHTF the UK govt will attempt to hold onto London-which is their power base after all, but any more than that is debateable with the downsized Army and Police Forces- there are 43 different Police forces in the UK each looking after a different area. none of these will function if there is a financial collapse or a grid collapse.
    many people in the cities do not even know their neighbours- populations are very fluid especially in rented houses, people can move on within 6 months and never know their neighbours, I have lived in a city so I know this to be true, its even truer now.
    civilisation/society could collapse very quickly in the right scenario or it could happen slowly over time as various parts of the system fail one by one. the collapse of the power grid would be the final straw for most, the majority cannot survive without electricity.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  30. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    There are thousands crossing the English Channel (our own Southern border) illegally and without documents, so we dont know where they are from, who they are, many could be criminals, many could be terrorists- ISIS threatened to send over terrorists amongst these "boat people", many are fit young men, very few women and children, to top it all the govt has now lost many of these bogus asylum seekers who have simply disappeared into the general population.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  31. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    --- Here is an update for those that like to face and prepare .
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  32. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    --- Here is a huge escalation in the Russian / Ukraine / NATO War . Puttin canceled a scheduled trip when this thing blew up . What will be Puttin's next move ? The Nukes may fly intercontinentally . This attack is on a Nuclear delivery system plant . This is a watered down video that I am providing and I don't think reveals what kind of facility that " used to be " . If someone wants more information this can be found on the recent " Canadian Prepper " release .
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    The probability of an intercontinentally Nuclear exchange , has " never " been as high as it is this evening . If our members suddenly lose the electric grid in the next few hours , It may be an EMP . Be prepared for worse things to quickly follow .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Finish stocking your reinforced underground bunkers. Make sure the steel doors have no leaks. Test the ventilation systems. You are in fallout-central whether you realize it or not.
      Old Geezer, Feb 9, 2024
  34. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    --- This link is not the same explosion as the one I posted above . Nope this one is a pipeline explosion that will tighten the noose around the growing fuel and electrical problems Russia has ongoing . Fun times in Russia for saboteurs
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  35. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Russia Denies Izhevsk 'Emergency' As Videos Show Fireball Over ICBM Plant"

    Begin quote

    "Russian authorities have denied an emergency in Russia's Udmurt Republic, as videos show a huge fireball over a weapons plant that produces nuclear weapons components and ballistic missiles.

    "A massive explosion was reported on Wednesday on the grounds of the Votkinsk weapons factory, which produces weapons including the RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and strategic ballistic missiles for the Topol-M and Iskander systems. The factory is located some 30 miles from the capital of the Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk.

    Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine's minister of internal affairs, said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that the weapons plant "is in the EU sanctions list as it produces missiles and ammunition for Iskander and Tochka-U complexes."

    Ukraine hasn't claimed responsibility for the incident, in line with its policy of not commenting on attacks on Russian soil.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    If there is a major power grid failure, the most likely attackers would be linked to Iran. The second most likely suspects would be the Chinese. Russia would be down on the list.

    Poltergeist, if WWIII didn't occur, would you be disappointed?

    China is our #1 enemy. Terrorists answering to Iran are next on the list. Iranian terrorist sleeper cells are already here in America. They are also alive and well in the U.K. and Europe.

    Were we to get a national large scale EMP attack, my first suspect would overwhelmingly be communist China.

    It is my hope that a conservative will be elected president and this stupid-sh## support of the outrageously corrupt government of Ukraine will end. That is me being hopeful.

    This year, 2024, I see America having massive financial difficulties, very possibly a terrorist attack (power grid failures a likely scenario), plus internal bloody conflicts due to this nation being totally split politically.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
    TMT Tactical, Ystranc and poltiregist like this.
  37. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
    1. Ystranc
      Putin doesn’t always tell the truth though, he often has different messages for different audiences.
      Ystranc, Feb 10, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    I don't think disappointed would be the correct term . However I do like an adrenaline rush . I believe the adrenaline rush began with Charlie and me playing war in Viet Nam . It didn't take but a few hours after Charlie and me were having some fun one evening trying to kill each other , that the high ranking officers scooped me up and transferred me into Headquarters Company . I didn't even know why they wanted me so bad in the other Company , but I soon found out . As a result of the officers taking such an interest in me , one evening I had taken the high ground on top of a sandbag bunker to fight hand to hand with a mob of other soldiers that were ready to attack me , as they had found out about all the high ranking sh-t that was pulled to get me transferred to head quarters company and they had concluded that I was planted to spy on their drug activities . --- The sum of life experiences is what turns many into preppers . When you have walked through the valley of death , it tends to develop a " very " serious prepper and someone trying to foresee the future and prep accordingly . I lay some of my foreseeing the future successful or not from the blood lines running in my veins . My parentage was from a back woods isolated corner of a county called " The Devils Backbone " I will refrain from going into the Devils Backbone reputation at this time .--- So to try to get back to the question , No I don't think I would be disappointed but at the same time because I did prepare for matters of this serious a magnitude , I have no fear of it either . I actually feel a bit of impiety for those that didn't take prepping serious enough or perhaps didn't prep at all . I thought about this question for several days and my first thought was to simply not respond to it . I will say though I have no desire to offend anyone so my usual reaction is to not respond to statements that might lead to offending someone . --- To see a big mushroom cloud in the distance , wow what an adrenaline rush that would be .
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
  39. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    When you were fighting Charlie, you were young.

    TMT Tactical and Ystranc like this.
  40. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I don’t think anyone intended to offend you Poltergeist but you do sometimes come off as being a bit gleeful about the impending shitstorm that many of us believe to be just around the corner.
    1. Old Geezer
      Thank you.
      Old Geezer, Feb 10, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Me, I am lazy. I've never wanted to fight. My dad and his brothers were always put into a position of having to fight; yet, they NEVER went looking for a fight. My lot only wanted to go on with life, all that. The men in my family wanted nice cars and pretty women. Me, I just liked the women. I've always liked learning about stuff. F### the rest of the world.

    Having to live anywhere near the herd was and still is a burden.
  42. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    We all know Putin wants to reinstate the old Soviet Union, thats what its all about, he dosent give a damn about people, its all about land, that means all of the old Soviet states will be in the firing line after Ukraine, that includes Poland a NATO member.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  43. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    "sometimes" ??? (and he's not the only one). :rolleyes:
  44. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    My strategy is predict , face and prepare . A failure of any one of the legs on the three legged Stool means failure of the survival strategy . The predicting part is what most can not grasp and interpret it as something it is not .
    TMT Tactical and Ystranc like this.
  45. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    --- Here is a link to the face it leg of the three legged stool .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I saw that somewhere on U Tube of recent about US air force tankers being sent to the middle east for support of our mission capabilities.

    I too am concerned that it will get out of hand ...a miscalculation....or event out of hand.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  47. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    any future attack by Russia other than in Ukraine is liable to be on the European mainland, one of the old Soviet Union Baltic states, which will give USA and the UK time to get their ducks in a row.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  48. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I dont believe anything I see on Utube, most of it is fake or just plain rubbish.
    its not somewhere I get my news from or something I use for my prepping, same with Facebook.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  49. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    My trusted news source is the exact opposite . I don't trust televised news near as much as You Tube . Nor does some journalist writing it down on paper or on the internet make it more credible in my opinion . I had much rather put my belief in an average peasant and their bid to get information out . --- That however does not mean You Tube is credible " all the time " . There is so much propaganda being sent out on You Tube that it is almost impossible to divide fact from fiction . For that reason I don't share a lot of war news that I consume daily , as I can't be assured of its truthfulness . --- One thing that I don't do is dismiss information because I don't like the message and simply proclaim " that just can't be so " I seek information so I can prepare and certainly don't want the watered down news media's provide so as to make it more digestible for the sheeple . -- In short , I simply am not afraid to face our growing Delima and purposely seek out the more dire news , so I can prepare for the worst . --- However I will also say that is my way to gather information , but that doesn't necessarily make it the best way .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The problem with YouTube is that there is an algorithm that plays to the viewers confirmation bias even when you turn off your history. It’s been shown that psychologically anger and fear generate clicks for advertising revenue.
    The problem with mainstream media is that they have dumbed down their output, as mentioned elsewhere on this forum they have sunk to the level of the tabloid press and only show what suits their agenda.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
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