World War Three

Discussion in 'The Apocalypse' started by poltiregist, Jul 10, 2022.

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  1. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    things were different in the 1930s, people were more patriotic back then and did their duty as they saw it, todays "yuff" is too entitled, most would be cowering in their bedrooms if war ever happened.
    Brownbear, TMT Tactical and Blitz like this.
  2. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yes, that's what I thought.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I cant see step grandchildren joining up, step grandson had a chance to join the RAF and learn a trade but went on a gap year instead.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  4. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    That's a shame. You get offered so many different options if you join the Defence Force. Wish I had when I was younger.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    America needs to pull out of the Ukraine...period. We will get nothing out of the Ukraine conflict but spend plenty....and I believe it will eventually wind up with American Boots on the ground as per the Canadians.

    The Ukraine is no democracy...not even a so too will it become here in America....if not already.

    The Ukraine is more ....much much more of America last place......and it is getting to be a regular staple...


    Once again we are fighting someone else's war for someone else's profit....

    We here in America have a hugely undeclared war going on in Fentanyl deaths as well as other drug overdoses....and our phony two party system is mostly silent on this while we support someone else's borders.

    We are loosing close to 100,000 people per year to drug overdoses...and silence from our government.

    This silence does not even make good nonsense.....once you think about the bigger picture.....and surely it is not leadership.

    I smell Ishmaelites in the very silence.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I applied when I was younger, but father wouldnt allow it as I was still at school.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Putin MUST be stopped or else he wont just take over Ukraine, and he has said as much. and that will start WW3 most of the Baltic states are members of Nato.
    its not just a European problem America is on his hate list along with Britain.
    if the US removes backing and finance from Ukraine it will set off a series of events that will make WW2 look like a picnic by comparison.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Oh...I totally agree lonewolf....America has a much higher duty and or obligation to put Americans and America into Involuntary Servitude in perpetuity defend Europe again.....

    "Involuntary Servitude"

    No choice but to put Americans into second, third , and fourth place to defend the borders of the Ukraine while we do the logical, intelligent, reasonable, highly educated rational thing....and defend someone else's borders...while our borders are wide open.

    Makes perfect sense to me...!!

    I just love logical gnostic wise men.....and such intellectual rationale....

    Washington DC is on Putin's list as well as London... the Olde City.

    We will get nothing out of the Ukraine but certain players are making a killing out of it.....again.

    This is not our conflict.......and our news media here is lying greatly about everything....

    I think that Putin and Trump both know what they are fighting....and this is why someone is so desperate to stop Trump from gaining office.....They are both fighting the Deep State One World Manipulators out of Olde London....and these groups...Deep Staters want Russia and all her Resources....under their control.

    And this is why they were so desperate to keep Putin and Trump from meeting.

    And if Trump gains office again..I believe he will shut down that war...very quickly. And this is not desired by the Deep State people playing good cop/bad cop with all of us again.
    We here in America are being had once again about this conflict ...much of it by our own phony Deep State leaders in public both of our phony political parties.

    I am predicting a lot of chaos here in America between now and our election keep Trump out of office and thus keep this conflict/war going.

    The goals since Vietnam...seem to be not how to end wars and or conflicts but how to keep them going long sufficient to have certain groups make great profit out these wars and or conflicts.

    We in America are being scammed on the Ukraine....big time.

    Oh...I dont worry so much about Russia...but the Communists and socialists here in America....many of them in our colleges and universities..who have trained todays Deep State leaders.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    By the way....notice how many are very very pissed off here about Tucker Carlson interviewing Vladimir Putin?????

    Some one in this rigged show....desperately did not want that interview to take place....

    We are being had the world's Ishmaelites.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    the Ukraine war isnt just about Ukraine , its about the whole western world.
    if Putin isnt stopped we WILL have WW3. he will think he is un stoppable and can do what he wants, we MUST prove him wrong.
    didnt Putin say he wanted Alaska back? that would only be the start of his US conflict.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Putin has gutted the Russian military's non-nuclear weaponry. Putin has killed-off a generation of young Russian men of military age. Those still alive are escaping or at least doing their best to get as far away from Russia as is possible.

    The new hyper-velocity toys Putin has, he wishes to only use sparingly. He has other plans for those.

    Putin is going for riches ... after the Russian people of Ukraine are liberated from the invalid government pukes in Kyiv.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    We are gutting our own non nuclear weaponry ...big time.....

    America has dragged the Western world around on it's breast for too....too long.

    I agree with Trump.....the other NATO partners need to pay up and get off the American Breast..

    My own feeling is that we in America need to get out of NATO and also the UN...they are both full of Ishmaelites...

    America first...

    Also ...Putin has his hands full....just handling Russia.....and so too do we here in America ...just handling America.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Really liked this post of yours. When we go far-too-far in the high-tech realm, we bugger ourselves ... and royally so. Things gotta work when things gotta work. Why I like bolt rifles. On the levers I still own, I've gone OCD to the max to make sure they function and hit to point of aim the ammo I put back for them.
      M16's forward bolt assist (after my day), WTF???!!!!!!!!! SKSs and AKs don't gotta worry about this sh##!!!! Gimme a break!
      Bias = age 15, I was issued a leftover M14, Army had gone Tonka-toy M16s. Sgt.Mjr., et. al., were getting us boyz ready for in-country Vietnam. Known a many. S.East Asia fell before I could've been drafted. Others weren't so lucky. At our high school gym, in a glass case were our school's athletic trophies ... and the names and photos of classmates who'd been killed in-country. Every freaking day, I passed by this HUGE glass case. "I ain't no senator's son."
      Old Geezer, Mar 5, 2024
      TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Russia has designs on Poland and Romania, according to a Putin ally , both Nato members, just think of the consequences if they were invaded just like Ukraine.
    I know Americans dont want to get involved in another European war but if Putin isnt stopped it wont just be Europe, this whole thing started because Biden is too frail to stop Putin and he knows it and its a long time until the November elections, and anyway what if Trump loses? nothing is guaranteed, you could be stuck with Biden for another 4 years and Putin would have free rein.
    Brownbear, TMT Tactical and Blitz like this.
  14. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by lonewolf.....

    The Deep State puppet masters have to rig this choice...none....

    They had to rig the 2020 choice..none ....they could not withstand another four years of Trump.....and America first.......

    They must have and need America last..and Deep State first....This is becoming more and more obvious as we clearly have a non representative government in both political parties....

    And anyone who does not tow the deep state line is not wanted in public office....this is me.

    The Ukraine is America last place...and the Deep State first.....more Good Cop/Bad Cop. It gets predictable after so many continued years and years of Good Cop/Bad Cop....and the news media shilling out the same olde techniques.

    America and Americans are slowly catching on to this pattern of operation the Deep State Ishmaelite puppet masters....

    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
  15. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    so what happens if say Trump loses and you get another 4 years of dopey Biden? civil war number two or something else? or nothing?
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  16. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by Olde Geezer...

    Yeah..for most shooting I like bolt guns as well....and inherently accurate as well. Not much use for an AR platform or AK as well. First time I disassembled an AK 47 I busted out how crude and simple it was. But one thing about is reliable...the SKS too.

    But if I want to shoot accurately I use my heavy barreled 1903 Springfield....bolt gun....and it is easily MOA...but it is a heavy tool.

    Have the same set up in a .223 heavy barrel....and it too is a shooter.

    Was supposed to go to a place in the Nam called Nah Trang when my orders got cancelled....and I wound up for a year in Keflavik, Iceland....a NATO base.

    About buggering ourselves.....we have a long long history of so doing.

    Remember...that for years and years and years now I have worked to build and overhaul submarines as well as Nimitz class carriers.

    I know what is in these ships...and how expensive they are...hugely expensive....and how they work.

    At least half the cost of a nuclear powered vessel is in the reactor alone....most Americans have not a clue about this..

    What I want to know in the arena of buggering how did the Japanese learn to build Air Craft carriers and submarines.....when only a handful of nations even had both this know how and or capability???

    Did we build our own next enemy to fight ????

    Massive technology is currently happening with China???

    Understand now....

    Remember ..even the mighty Germans did not build an Aircraft Carrier......what is up with that????

    But how about that ESPN>.and or Kardashians...and whatever drivel is keeping us distracted......and or stops us from thinking independently.

    Are we still doing this with huge technology transfers to build our next enemy to fight when the schedule so calls for it in the next war???

    Be Warmed these Ishmaelites....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Think this is all just blowing smoke......????

    Find out where the Russian Revolutionary Army was trained and financed.....and shipped to Russia for the October 1917,

    It was trained and financed here in the West.....and shipped to Russia.

    Once again...did we built our own next enemy??????

    Read ...

    None dare call it Treason

    None Dare call it Conspiracy..

    Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.....

    You will find this information's in these books....we have been lied to about so much in history.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    That's a scary thought!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    it could happen, the Democrats are desperate to hang onto power and arent afraid to use any and all dirty tricks to achieve it.
    watcherchris, TMT Tactical and Blitz like this.
  20. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by lonewolf...

    Biden will do what his Masters tell him to do. Biden and company have clearly demonstrated to thinking Americans that the standards for President of the United States are not nearly as high as we have been lead to think that the true standards are for the office.

    I have been thinking this since back with President Jimmy Carter. Another weak President. And remember.....Jimmy Carter was a Reactor Officer on a nuclear submarine....and should understand power and authority.....except as pertains to the office of President.

    And I believe this was one of Trumps big problems...he did not fully understand the lay of the land behind how the office of President of the United States really works....the President is supposed to be an Obedient Puppet.....and Trump bucked that system constantly.

    His advisers are there to give him orders...not advice....and Trump thought he was supposed to be a real President in charge.... So too did other Presidents before John Kennedy....Abraham al.

    Once again...I think Putin knows what he is really fighting...and this is being kept from most of us here in the west by a constant barrage of propaganda....on our side....not from Russia.

    I suspect this strongly because the Powers here in the west did not want Tucker Carlson to interview Vladimir Putin.....and that is not the first time....they stopped him years ago from doing the first attempt at an interview.

    Oh...and something to do with the coming election took place last night and I did not keep track of any of it.

    I will find out sometime today what happened...

    I do think that between now and the November Election ...the Deep State puppet masters will work feverishly ...above or below the table both to keep Trump from again...gaining the office....because Trump comes across as not to be controlled or herded as are so many in the Republican and Democrat parties both.

    There is chaos coming between now and the November Election ...all across this country. It is the best that leadership Puppets can do here in America.....under a non representative government.

    Remember something else from a big picture perspective...about a representative versus a non representative government..

    And that is that Trump while he was President ...did so much for America and Americans including working to stabilize the economy for us. This is America first...not America last..

    And now contrast this with everything that the Biden Administration does or touches and turns to a pile of it's results....America Last place.

    A total contrast....particularly economically....right out of the starting gate with the Biden Administration......dung.

    That knowledge is how you know with what you are dealing...

    One group made sense for America and Americans ...and the other group is chaos from the start....

    No PHD needed to figure this one out.

    If Biden gets re elected is clear that we will have more intense Ishmaelite results....unto the collapsing of America and our form of Government......a total non representative Ishmaelite government.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites in both political parties as well as the Main Stream Media pimping for them.

    My Non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Sketchy information , " so possibly not true " Eleven Nuclear missile armed submarines converging near the " East Coast " of the United States . This may concern a visitor but it appears no one but I on this forum , view Russia as having the b-lls to do just as they warned they would do . I took them at their word . If they fail to do as they promised then it certainly will not be the first time that I have been lied to . This " East coast convergence " indicates some serious nuking in the plans for the eastern portion of the United States . My plan is to confront this potential threat countered with serious prepping .
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Houti terrorist reportedly developing super sonic " fast moving " missiles to attack shipping . The war in that region it appears the terrorist are preparing for a long duration global upheaval . -- As I have said before expect the Muslim war to converge with the Russian / Ukraine / N.A.T.O. war just as the world war two conflict saw the emergence of Germany and Japan . If this convergence takes place , expect North Korea to join in . As to whether China will immediately join the fray is questionable in my reasoning of the matter , as they might decide to watch World War Three take place from a spectators position , then in the aftermath of the participant countries , step in to easily overcome and conquer the devastated remains .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    the only report of these submarines of the east coast of US I can find (Newsweek) says this was March 6th over a week ago.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    if its a nuclear war there wont be much left to "conquer", mostly rubble and irradiated soil.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Just so long as the Washington D.C. cancer is dug out.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    American nuclear sub's can and do carry intercontinental ballistic missiles. These missiles can carry multiple nuclear warhead. What I would like to know is, how many missiles can they carry and how many warheads per missile? I am under the impression that many of the nuclear subs can carry as many as 20+ missiles and each missile can carry as many as 20 nuclear warheads.
    poltiregist likes this.
  27. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Trident II D-5 (UGM-133A)"

    Begin quote

    The Trident II (D-5) Missile, also known as the UGM-133A, is a U.S. inter-continental-range, submarine-launched, solid-propellant, MIRV-capable ballistic missile.

    It represents the sixth and latest generation of the U.S. Navy’s Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) Systems marking a significant development in the United States’ missile technology.

    The improvements to the ship navigation system and the missile itself enable the D-5 to target accurately, even hard targets, and significantly extend the range, payload, and inventory of the missile force.

    Deployed on all 14 Trident ballistic missile submarines of the Ohio class and All 4 submarines of the British Vanguard class, it serves as the primary element of the U.S. Navy and Royal Navy’s strategic nuclear deterrent capability.

    Both U.S. and British submarines are now equipped to attack targets globally with this missile. The extended range of the D-5 enhances the patrol area of submarines, making them more elusive to enemy ships, and allows the U.S. to base its SLBM force at domestic ports, leading to the termination of Navy operations at forward bases such as Holy Loch, Scotland.

    One Ohio-class submarine, fitted with the Mark 98 weapon control system, can hold up to 24 D-5 missiles each in vertical launch tubes. Some or most of these missiles are probably loaded with Mk-5/W-88 warheads and some with lighter ones.

    The Trident II (D-5) missile’s Mk-6 Guidance System significantly enhances its precision, improving accuracy by a factor of four compared to the previous Trident I (C-4) Mk-5 Guidance Subsystem.

    The missile’s payload ranges from 8 to 14 MIRVs(Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicles), carrying different warhead configurations, including the Mk-4 RV (Reentry Vehicle) with 100 Kt W-76 warheads or the heavier Mk-5 RV with 475 Kt W-88 warheads.

    The MK-4 /W-76 warhead was also used on the Trident I (C-4) missile, while the MK-5 /W-88 is a newly introduced warhead.

    Countermeasures are believed to be included.

    The missile has the capability to carry either eight of the heavier Mk-5 RVs or 14 of the lighter Mk-4 RVs to a maximum distance of 4,100 nautical miles (7,600 kilometers). If equipped with eight Mk-4 RVs or four Mk-5 RVs, the Trident II (D-5)’s range extends to about 6,200 nautical miles (11,500 kilometers).

    This advanced system includes inertial guidance with stellar sensor updates resulting in the missile having a claimed accuracy of 90 meters (300 ft) CEP (Circular Error Probable). In comparison, a C-4 missile has an accuracy of 380 meters (1,250 ft).

    End quote
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  28. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Thanks OG.

    So with just our Ohio class nuclear subs, we are looking a 24 missiles, with the average potential of 12 warheads. Simple math, with just our 14 subs, we can send out 4,032 nuclear bombs/ warheads. Add in all the other ship based missiles, air plane based missiles and land based missiles. Then figure out how many missiles would be launched by allies and enemies. That is the reason I do not prep for a nuclear war, it would not be survivable, due to the massive damage done to the human population, animal and plant life from the blast / radiation / fallout. Then you get to add the cherry on the cake with a nuclear winter lasting years if not generations. Me, I will prep for what I can survive.

    I would love to see what the total number of nukes and warheads worldwide, ready for a WW3 event. I think most people would be completely amazed at the total number of nuclear warheads read to go. I think we would be talking in the hundreds of thousands of warheads. It will not matter who fires off the first missile, everybody will go to war and just hope they can survive by some stroke of luck or by the blessing of god. It will not be just good guy vs bad guy. It will be the determination to take out the other side with you.
    1. Old Geezer
      There are those who say that our land-based silo-housed nukes may not work. What if only a quarter or only a third of them do the deed?! These critters carry MONSTER-sized warheads, just like the Russian monsters ... cities go away.
      Know that the Navy missiles DO work. They will launch, they self-guide via EMP shielded systems that use Geo-physical guidance NOT satellites. When they get to target, they will go off.
      Our Air Force B1 bombers work fine. ONLY the rear bomb-bay revolver ever had problems with cruise missile launches -- everything else works perfectly. The B2 stealth bombers work great ALL around. B2 computers are triple-redundant and have multiple layers of Faraday cages. I've been treated to inside stories, multiple stories. B1 bombers fly LOW = dangerous training.
      Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
      Old Geezer, Mar 15, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Emergency meeting today - I am curious as to what our members responses will be from those that keep claiming this will not happen .
    1. TMT Tactical
      If it happen you win and we are all dead. If it does not happen I win and will just continue to prep for everything else. As for any or all these meeting, lots of talk and nothing ever gets done to change a darn thing.
      TMT Tactical, Mar 15, 2024
      Old Geezer and poltiregist like this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    If by some miracle, Trump gets into office, the war in Ukraine will end. Trump will NOT back NATO going to war with Russia.

    The odds that the Nov 2024 presidential election results will be rigged are supremely high. The weaponized FBI will look the other way should any leaks get out concerning election fraud. The election result counters in every state are Democratic Party urban machine employees. Too, mail-in voting guarantees massive voter fraud.

    The deep state fears that even with massive voter fraud, Trump could get such a high voter count that even the rigged system could hand him an election win. Due to this situation, the deep state may have Trump killed. He could have a "heart attack", there could be the one-off "terrorist attack", planes go down mysteriously, he could get a fatal infection due to a uniquely powerful covid virus strain, ... . There are all manner of ways Trump could die "accidentally". Democrats and their deep state operatives want Trump dead in the worst way. Many millions of Americans who don't like Trump will hold their noses and vote for him anyway.

    I also believe that RFK Jr. could be assassinated by the Left. Actually, I overtly fear this for Bobby's boy. The Left hates him as much as Trump -- maybe even more so. That fellow could pull votes from both parties resulting in him defeating both Trump and biden. He's a liberal (I won't vote for him); but unlike the biden regime fellow-travelers / deep state employees, he isn't a traitor to his nation. Also, he will not protract the $$war$$ in Ukraine.

    JFK Jr. not being a traitor could get him killed.

  31. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    About this Poltiregtist.....

    You do you not....that at one time ...some years back ...our fast attack boats out at sea......Pinged the Russian Submarine fleet out at sea at the same time..around the globe......on active sonar to let them know ....that we knew where they any given time....yes????
    This means that this sonar information can very very quickly be put into the brain of a weapon and suddenly fired........that quickly.

    It must have come to a real shock in Moscow realize that we knew where they were.

    Submarines very very seldom ever go active...on their sonar....a whole whole lot of listening...but not so much going active..
    There are very very good reasons for this....

    Many many years ago...our surface fleet of destroyers and aircraft carriers ....thought they were so powerful and mighty....until one of our sub skippers let them roll right over his quiet submarine and took pictures through the periscope of the bottom of the Aircraft Carrier as it rolled over him.....and show them to the aircraft carrier skipper at the debriefing of the exercises....that any time he wanted...the carrier was his.

    This story is known amongst the trades...but not in the news.

    The most dangerous vessel to any surface ship or other submarine ...;is another submarine....

    This is known in the trades..

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites.......who need us scared...all the time........all the time....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2024
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  32. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    By the way....for those of you not versed in this.....becoming a submarine skipper can be a grueling and or daunting task....

    But the Brits have one of the most grueling and or demanding courses for Submarine skippers in the whole world...

    It is called "The Perisher Course."

    Submarine Command Course - Wikipedia

    And this course is the submarine community.

    And this is how they thin out the best of their skippers......the best..!!!

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Rational" Democrats are pushing the biden regime to get rid of Kamala. These same folk are trying to get the biden puppeteers to replace biden -- but certainly not with some other Kamala clown nor this Michelle facade (trans-Michael ??? Soetero). The Social Democrats have no one to run in Nov 2023, thus they either lose the election or simply sink America and declare martial law. As everyone is beginning to realize, 2024 and 2025 are going to be hell years.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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  35. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Picked up of recent...three more rechargeable radiation be passed out to family members....they can do what they want with them.....should they survive any such attack.....]

    They also need to become familiar with them as to what the normal background reading is wherein at places they frequent and do local, gas station, grocery store..hardware store .chemist, etc etc etc...

    One creates a sort of mental map...and even updates it seasonally to keep track of changes...and these readings can change throughout the day....
    Radiation technicians will do this in a radiation area ....make a map to show wherein are to be found the areas with the highest radiation levels....thus you know to keep out of these areas unless you have specific work or procedures to follow in those areas.
    You do not lollygag in those areas...and you do not forget to bring the proper tools and or materials so that you must come back see???? needs to know what the normal background readings are in areas wherein one frequents...when going about ones business.
    These readings are often referred to in the business as "background."

    This way one can tell if something is awry.....outside of our government managed/rigged news media.

    These devices are the equivalent of a fat pencil..and verily portable...unlike the older ones I also have.

    Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector,CHNADKS Upgraded d Personal Dosimeter,Beta Gamma X-ray Portable Handheld Radiation Monitor,Battery Powered (0.08uSv – 50mSv): Industrial & Scientific

    I zeroed mine out last night when I got home and recharged it. It is back on line now.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    WWIII could happen much earlier than 2026, especially for Europe and the U.K..

    If Trump or RFK Jr. gets into the White House, America will not be fighting Russia, but sure could be fighting Communist China. I know that Trump will hang Britain and Europe out-to-dry. He's said as much. Conservative America just doesn't care much about the U.K. nor Europe (especially Europe) anymore. Me, I'd not want any grandson of mine to go fight for anything across the Atlantic. My family has already suffered more than enough for those ingrates. If Europe goes up in smoke, then "too bad, so sad".

    China still needs the semi-conductor industry in Taiwan to manufacture Chi-Com military and general-use computers. China is very actively coming up to speed in their own manufacture of integrated circuits ... but that's two years out from now. Thus, any Chi-Com / PLA attack on Taiwan would have to be accomplished using conventional forces, not nukes. Understand also that when attacked, the Taiwan military will destroy their own factories = "poison pill" scenario = "Eat this!"
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  37. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Biden HATES Britain, Trump does not- his mother was Scottish and he owns golf courses there.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I do not have a lot of use for Britian...myself....not because of the British people...but because of the Crown or sometimes called The City...the olde one square mile area in London....The Deep State HQ if you like..

    I have a great appreciation for certain facets of English History and what it has done in the forming of this country....Of which I believe the average American is totally ignorant. This going back to the Magna Carta...

    I strongly suspect that this ignorance of English History is deliberate keep us ignorant of so much about why this nation is to be different ...from other nations..while someone or some group attempts to make us like other size fits all....and in the process make us take second...third and fourth place in our own country while taking first place risks in our in the UK.

    However ...I have no such ambition to become an Englishman...and what the Uk has done to their own subjects. And I believe this is the goal for us here in "America" become subjects with privileges granted by the sovereign..and not citizens with Rights ...and "Limited Government."

    Read Amendment 13 about "Involuntary Servitude."

    This is where we are going here in America......just like in the and operated by Ishmaelites

    Oh...while ai am at it...I picked up a small case of powdered eggs and put them away.....for just in case.
    Planning to repeat this purchase again soon. Will also get powdered milk..
    Also I did not know that they made powdered butter..

    Powdered eggs have gotten expensive.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    you may not have a lot of use for Britain but you could at least spell it properly!!
    actually America has a lot of use for Britain especially in military operations and wars (Houthis,Iraq, Afghanistan).
    The British parliament is the "Mother of all parliaments "and is what all other parliaments are modelled on.
    Britain was the original superpower when the only "Americans" were running around with feathers in their hair and wearing loincloths.
    Sorry, I'm a patriotic Englishman and I hate anyone dragging my country down. I am Devonian First, English second and British Never.
    you could try preserving whole eggs not buying that powdered muck, we had that in Britain during WW2 and nobody from that time would ever want to eat powdered egg ever again.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    No problem with you being a patriotic Englishman....not at all.

    I too am patriotic.....but very disappointed in what has become of leadership here in America....

    I just know too much about the Crown Merchant history....and what it has done world wide.

    I am not speaking of the Royals here...but the Merchants of Olde London...or the City.

    It is their wars and or conflicts that we have been fighting world wide for over a hundred years and the English people even longer...

    I am particularly interested in the English History around the Civil War and Oliver Cromwell and what it means and boded for us here in America...and this ..I believe is of what someone wants us totally in America....and everywhere else as well.

    I was greatly humored to learn, in actually stopping long enough to read the text of the Magni Carta, that one of the important pieces of information in it was the standardizing of the volume in a pint of ale....nation wide.

    It seems very humorous in importance at first....until one realizes that standardization is what facilitates commerce........indeed!!! Fixed weights and measures....a standard.

    And a pint is very important in the UK to many.

    I think the average American is woefully ignorant on the topic of standardization...and how it effects our daily lives...and how much we take it for granted. Woefully so..


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The Magna Carta is THE original statement of human Liberty in the Western World.

    The Founding Fathers used the Magna Carta and the principles of the Original People's Seven Nations to create the Constitution of the United States of America.

    "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is the Holy mantra of any free people. Any valid government must fear the people and not visa-versa. If I don' own the government, then I must overthrow it. I am NOT a man if I cannot fight back. This isn't in any way complex. It is a most simple truth.

    End of discussion.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  42. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I ordered " 4 " books on surviving the nuclear radiation after the Nuclear War takes place today . They are the same book , but wanted 4 to be able to distribute the books to other houses on my survival grounds .
    Blitz, watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  43. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I suppose you guys are aware of the Three very high ranking Iranian Generals that Israel Air force blew up in an Embassy . They demolished the embassy along with the scum . I don't recall which country the embassy was located in . Anyway some Iranian bigwig is saying the United States is to be blamed " their so called big Satan " they are laying at least as partial responsible . -- Prepare for the worst as preparing for someone's neighbors will barter or take mercy and save them " at least in my opinion " may fall a bit short in the preparedness arena if the Nukes begin to fly . To be fair though will add , pinning hope on surrounding more prepared people might be realistic , if the situation was a Civil War or just a bunch of scum running around looting and such . The survivors of a full scale Nuclear War , don't expect them to trade their resources away . --- I realize this post is sort of pointless as few , will survive if it comes down to a Nuclear war and fewer still prepared to face a Mad Max existence .
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  44. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I'm wondering when the signal will come to activate all of the sleeper terrorist cells here in the US. Among the terrorist cells are Iranians, North Koreans, communist Chinese, drug cartel operatives, Russian soldiers, Hezbollah, Hamas, Isis, ... . Anyway, expect massive power grid failures. I might even buy some more kerosene in addition to what I have. Putting all that out in the work shed.

    I'd gotten-in a garden-hose adapter for a regular bathroom spigot. Instead of using an RV "drinking water" hose at >$36, I got a female hose connector along with some tubing for potable water to make my own cheap / safe hose. Did so for filling my home water storage tanks. I already had one of our two-wheel dollies in our home for some other moving purpose. I've cleaned-out one water storage tank, now finishing the remainder. All this to have clean water in storage before April 8th just in case Big Brother is planning some false-flag attack on America using solar eclipse event as an excuse. Weird about the police and Nat. Guard B.S. He##, I don't knowo_O:confused:! One wants potable plus cleaning water (the latter is what is stored in your home's bathtubs). Shoot, I was going to get this done anyway, so why not just get it done now. Even if you have water filters for stream water, you wanna also have the on-hand/right-now water put back.

    Oh, and while at Farm Supply (seems we're always there), I made me an improvised brush rake out of parts. I've gathered an enormous pile of cut brush and tree limbs. I need to pull that open with the lawn tractor, the 4x4 pickup, and/or a come-along wench (only rated at 1,000 lbs. / 455 kg). It might end up being the truck -- has road/off=road knobby-ish tires for mud and snow. I recently tested its 4-wheeling capability and that's working fine for an old truck (previous owner had xmission rebuilt, plus my mechanic checked it; leaks tiny bit of oil -- so what!, they all do). Have a new chainsaw chain to put on that puppy. Gonna pull out cut then up all those limbs in there. Can burn this stuff in fireplace as needed. "Waste not. Want not."

    I got me a 6" to 4" reducer section of chimney flue so I can take a kerosene lamp sans its glass chimney, put this under the flue, so as to make a water-pot heater. Why use a fireplace fire, when all you need is a little pot of boiling water?! A tiny amount of kerosene heats a pot. I had a steel counter-protector (put hot items over to the side when taking that just off the stove -- doesn't destroy the counter-top) and used this as the grill for this one foot high flue pipe reducer section. I'd just gotten-in two stainless steel teapots. With electricity, I'll use our plug-in teapot. No electricity, I'll use kerosene or dried wood.

    "Where there's a will, there's a way."

    Post-SHTF, there will be millions of gallons of diesel fuel siphoned out of stranded big trucks and 18-wheelers along the jammed highways. Much of it will be used in farm tractors & heavy equipment, but a lot of it will be used to heat and light homes. Everyone in this region has kerosene heaters and lamps. Outsiders who live here will just be out of luck ... or worse. In this region, stranded truckers will be valued and taken-in by locals. Many truckers and heavy equipment operators ARE locals. The Latin workers walked here. They can walk back to their home countries. I mean hey!, they're used to walking hundreds of miles and stealing what they need along the way. The weak / unarmed folk will have their necessities stolen by suck folk. Welcome to History 101 -- "If you can't protect it, you don't own it."
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
    Blitz, TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Diagram of teapot heater mentioned above. The glass chimney you've taken off the lamp, be sure to wrap it and store it safely, else you'll lose it or break it. You gotta have the lamp glass for when using it for lighting.


    Attached Files:

    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  46. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    By Olde Geezer....

    Not quite Olde Geezer....not quite.....

    The English Civil War and the Execution of King Charles the 1st on 30 January in 1649 marked an important milestone in history for which we are to remain totally ignorant.....and someone wants us to remain so in ignorance.........and desperately so.

    For this is the first time in history that an ordinary people had ever Executed their King.

    Now ..Kings had been killed and or plotted against by other Kings and or Royalty...but never by the ordinary people...and history bears this out.

    That when a King had committed Treason against the people in an attempt to return to Absolute Power....Divine Right of increase their power at the expense of the people......

    That a people have a right to turn against their king...

    The Execution of Charles 1st on January 30, 1649 meant that the King was not Divine Right and had not Absolute power ...and could be held to account for their actions.

    For this very reason....The English Civil Wsr and Oliver Cromwell and the Roundheads verily interests me ....and I believe this is a history someone here desperately wants us never to know or even be aware....


    This, what happened in England 100 years earlier, was recognized by the founders of this country as a valid reason or precedent for turning on their our Revolution ...and we are never to know this history as our own government seeks to increase it's power over our economy ...the value of the's purchasing power by engineered inflation.....loss of rights....liberties and everything...

    To more and more herd us into being Subjects with privileges granted by the Sovereign...and not Citizens with Rights...under the Constitution...

    As our own government seeks to put us more and more into Involuntary Servitude..while increasing government power and authority.

    I believe this will be done by one Emergency after another after another infinitum....

    Government by Emergency Ishmaelites in power....

    Be warned these Ishmaelites....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Tnink about this lonewolf...and the other members here as well....

    This is to me pretty dumb on your part lonewolf.......not sure you realize how dumb this is...

    The whole western world will fall to it's own ineptness...and inflation if nothing else....

    I do not believe most in the west know this about rampant, rabid, runaway inflation ...particularly by the Western central banking systems.....

    Not sure what you are thinking here...

    Add to this constant Illegal immigration often sponsored by our own governments..and the chaos it brings...

    But we need to keep an Eye on Putin???? Your kidding me right??????

    Ishmaelites run wild....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    NO I am not kidding, with knobs on.
    IF anyone starts WW3 it will be Putin and his gangsters.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    most of the "migrants" that come across the Channel in small boats are male, about 98% are male and all under 40, a lot of them will be Hamas, Isis and the like- sleeper cells- which is what makes it stupid not deporting any or at least so few its not noticeable.
    as for the ordinary folk over here, the non prepared ones, they will be dead very quickly without protection or supplies.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    --- Guys here is confirmation on my above post on the Israeli attack on the Embassy grounds . This is a different source than the original source from which I posted the information from , so here is the second confirmation .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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