Zombie Apocalypse

Discussion in 'Zombie Apocalypse' started by ThePriest, Apr 28, 2016.

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  1. ThePriest

    ThePriest Member

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    There have been a ton of movies and stories written about the zombie apocalypse. There are TV shows, toys, costumes, clothes, candy and even edible dishes prepaid to look like zombie food. I admit the idea of the government or anybody releasing a virus turning the human race into a man-eating creature is probably not going to happen anytime soon. The reason I say that is because you never know what kind of biological weapons they are making. What if a zombie apocalypse were to actually happen?

    Your basic survival needs will stay pretty much the same. The only problem is now there is a constant hostile obstacle. Your going to have to be able to access food, water, shelter and heat. Food and water are going to be hard to obtain because all the stores are going to be rated. Every gas station you look in and every vending machine is going to be broken into most likely. Plus once all the stores are raided if you try to scavenge what's left there are going to be man-eating creatures patrolling your precious resources. But food and water are what a human needs to survive.

    Shelter will be another big problem because you have to defend yourself from a large quantity of attackers. Regular buildings won't work because the doors will be too weak and they will be too many windows for these senseless creatures to just crawl through. A place underground or unaccessible to unintelligent being's would probably be best.

    Eventually, the clothes you're wearing are going to wear out and if you don't have extra clothes stored you're going to have to find a source of heat. Now the body has its own way of maintaining internal body temperature but if you have nothing protecting yourself it will simply just blow off your body. Having the right clothes for your environment will also be very helpful in trying to save resources. Because you are not exhausted from sweltering heat or cold. If you have enough food, water, good shelter and some heat you should be able to bunker down long enough to wait out whatever situation you're in.
  2. meganisonfire

    meganisonfire New Member

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    I am really concerned about a zombie apocalypse. I think that to survive such an event; we need a medium-sized compound unit (somewhat like a prison). We could have colonies of humans living here that would watch the outside (like guards) for zombies. I think we would have our skilled "hunters" who would go in and out of the compound searching for animals or plants to eat. Inside the compound, we would live our lives just like before. Everyone would have a job and a safe place to live. I think that before it comes down to this compound unit that someone would find a cure for the zombies. I could be wrong though. It's a scary thought!
    rees1977 likes this.
  3. John Snort

    John Snort Well-Known Member

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    In case of a zombie apocalypse another thing you need to do is get as far away from any city as you can. Find places where few humans live or lived. There are some rural towns with populations of about 50. Find a town like this and you could have enough time to plan your next moves.

    As zombies can't swim, if you next move will be heading to some Island that's close to coast that would be a smart move.
    The slow slinker likes this.
  4. Sealpikachu

    Sealpikachu Member

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    I think that, while it could be a big problem, it would not get as out of hand as shows and movies portray it. Even if it did, John Snort above here has the right idea. Isolating yourself could work really well vat way you would be out of trouble and still be guaranteed to have access to necessities.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    zombies only exist in the minds of Hollywood directors.
    jeager likes this.
  6. ProNine

    ProNine Member

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    One of the things that I often think about is that if such an outbreak were to take place. Maybe putting the effort into emptying one building in a collection of various buildings can go quite a long way. A three story building can be enough to fend off these zombies and possibly lazy "scavengers"who try to steal off other people rather than scavenging for themselves.

    I suppose we can still have it as a topic for a possible discussion.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Member

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    A zombie apocalypse is fun to talk about, it's right up there with an alien invasion. But, it's unrealistic for anyone to actually really prep for.

    Let's suspend reality for a second and say it doesn't actually happen. It isn't going to be like The Walking Dead. Melee weapons would be completely out of the question. If you can get infected by a bite or scratch then you can be infected by the blood too. So, all that Rick and Daryl walker killing gore fest couldn't happen.

    It's fun to talk about but it's not very smart to actually prep for.
  8. Arboreal

    Arboreal Active Member

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    Gotta agree with lonewolf, zombie apocalypse is as realistic as an alien invasion. I mean, even if there was a sort of a virus or other bioweapon turning people into "zombies", the zombifieds would not survive too long. Just like rabies, which actually turn dogs into zombie-like state for a while, but it's followed by paralysis and death. Even if the Z-virus was not fatal itself, a 'zombie' would still die from dehydration pretty quickly.
  9. BeautifullyBree

    BeautifullyBree Active Member

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    Even if they don't try to release a virus accidents happen. The movies and other media sources focusing on zombies have opened my eyes. Many things they experience are very realistic. It really does seem never ending with all the supplies you need to survive. Not to mention the obstacles you face are all life threatening.
  10. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    Animating the dead is just not possible as it breaks several physics laws!
    What is possible is a "Rage" virus where a person is not dead but mentally deranged and just plain savage like a zombie!
    Maybe a cross between rabies and ebola! or something similar.
    Ystranc likes this.
  11. The slow slinker

    The slow slinker New Member

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    Like the prison in the walking dead before the governor came. or like hilltop in the comics
  12. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I am old and thus able to see zombies far more clearly than the young. Rest assured, the zombie apocalypse has already swept over us like a 20,000 ft. tsunami. The mechanism of infection is a small flat box that fits in one hand. It has a viewing screen and tiny buttons. These boxes come in many different colors.

    Everywhere I turn when out in "society", I see zombies with their faces fixed on their zombie machine's screen. Zombie pedestrians crossing city streets, zombies driving cars, zombies attempting to talk to other zombies, zombies on buses, zombies in planes, ... zombies are everywhere. And they are typing, constantly their thumbs dance across the little pad of buttons at speeds no living human could ever accomplish. Zombies on a bus is an apocalyptic vision to behold -- dead faces lit up with by the demonic little screens ... and the typing, the constant psychosis-inducing typing! Alfred Hitchcock, Rod Serling, Thomas Harris, Steven King, ... no fevered mind of any dark ilk could have imagined this sort of ending for humankind.

    OK, so they have not been able to kill me and eat my brain, however I have had zombies corner me and tell me that I need one of their zombie boxes. I've screamed and escaped ... so far.


    My family has not been infected, praise God. But as I sit here at my desk I have a trusty shotgun by my side with an extended tube full of zombie loads. I peek out my window only to witness in the dark the glow of the accursed little screens as the zombies perambulate the road out front. Hopefully this will not be my last post. Fellow survival-minded souls, God's speed and keep the faith that one day civilization will return.
    Caribou likes this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I was out yesterday for 4 hours, all that time I was seeing "zombies" with either their noses pressed onto the screen or the little box pressed to their ear, talking as they walk along the street.
    The slow slinker likes this.
  14. Rydog5000

    Rydog5000 New Member

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    I have a question about preexisting conditions effecting zombie behavior and ability. If someone has downsydrome and is bitten by a zombie would the zombie inherit sower mottor functions and abilitie to "preform" as a zombie.
  15. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    don't look for actual "Zombies" as in the living dead, they only exist in fiction or in some film.
    the ones you want to watch out for are those with addictions, chemical and otherwise.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Yep, and don't forget the boatloads of female zombies on an Rx cocktail that would tip a cape buffalo. Keep such female zombies away from bankcards, credit cards, and the keys to any SUV. Note: They often paint their faces to resemble living human females.

    The following photo was found on the iPhone of a zombie victim. This was the last photo he took before having his face bitten off:
    Caribou and lonewolf like this.
  17. texsun54

    texsun54 Member

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    It is not the undead you need to worry about, it is the uncivilized hoards we see running amok, looting and destroying property at every opportunity. But luckily they are not too bright and tend to only destroy their own neighborhoods.
    lonewolf likes this.
  18. koolhandlinc

    koolhandlinc Expert Member

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    If a person is "alive" yet their mind is basically dead. Are they undead? Coz I know a bunch of people who are just like that. They will become the uncivilized hoards. The same ones who will come to your door and say. I was not prepared. Now you must help me. ETc. etc.

    "I was out yesterday for 4 hours, all that time I was seeing "zombies" with either their noses pressed onto the screen or the little box pressed to their ear, talking as they walk along the street." Where I am I see these types all day. They often drive expensive cars and don't speak to others much. They seem to believe its not needed to prepare for any future issues. Including the lose of a job. Always seeking someone else to do the work and then save them when there is a problem.
  19. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

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    If you watch the walking dead or fear the walking I do I like the two shows they should make there way up North during the winter months the zombie would freeze and not be able to move hit them in the head with a hammer no more zombie
  20. koolhandlinc

    koolhandlinc Expert Member

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    I have watched but not lately.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    got better things to do.
  22. texsun54

    texsun54 Member

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    I enjoy the Walking Dead franchise even though Zombies as depicted are an impossibility. Zombies are just the premise and the bogie man that does not offend any segment of society like a story depicting real possibilities would. The real story is how people would react in a apocalyptic situation in a world without rule of law. To that end I find it to be interesting.
    koolhandlinc and Ystranc like this.
  23. Dallas845

    Dallas845 New Member

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    A UK professor actually planned out the best possible route to survival for such a matter. Check it out https://zamonthly.org/2018/10/12/uk-professor-releases-zombie-apocalypse-survival-guide/
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "L.A. Crime Wave: Marlon Wayans Tells Thieves ‘I Don’t Have Anything Valuable’ After Home Burglary"


    "Comedian Marlon Wayans was shocked to find his L.A.-area home had been the target of home invaders but, in his typical way, found some grim humor in the situation.

    "In a July 4 Instagram post to his 6.9 million followers, Wayans noted that his home was broken into and robbed, but he joked that the robbers were wasting their time looking for loot — because the only thing of value in his home is the property itself.

    “ 'Dear robbers and others,' he wrote in the caption to his Instagram message. 'I am the wrong n***** to rob. Save your energy. I don’t have anything valuable in my house except my house.' ”


    Never face the truth, blame violence on the guns:

    "At least 56 shot, 11 fatally, across Chicago at start of long July 4th holiday weekend, police say"

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer

      Old Geezer, Jul 7, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
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